You a hoe? pt.4

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A/N: I felt this sudden urge to make this at 11:08 I'm not tired... Yet. I feel like writing this in third person view for now on, but it will change time to time.

                                                                                   THIRD PERSON POV:

After the fight Kokichi and Kijishi were on good terms, because Kokichi apologized to Kijishi and helped Kijishi treat her wounds with the help of Kirumi and Mikan. Mikan was very reluctant beacuse she too has a thing against Kijishi for no reason. 🥺🥱

Kokichi was in her room with Kijishi who was spilling every single secret to Kokichi, like:

"My ultimate is the ultimate bitch! 🥺😊🥰😇"

"I killed my friend because she had no robux. 🥱😈📸"

"Oh, and I hooked up with my bestie Futami' boyfriend. 🤗😒😤"

"And the bitch got mad to but like now we're friends with benefits! 😏😩🥺😍😝😫🥴🥵🤪"

"Also, I nuked a town, committed mass murder, attempted arson, homicide and things like that! 🥺☺️"

Kokichi rn : 😒 I'm about to end this bitch's whole career well if she even has one that is.

Kokichi said goodbye to Kijishi when she walked out of Kokichi's door, that's when Kokichi started livestreaming and spilt the tea.

Kokichi be like:

"Hello today I have some of the juiciest confessions number one is:

"Hello today I have some of the juiciest confessions number one is:

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"You all know who this girl is right? If you don't good for you. So, this is Kijishi yes you know the dumbest bitch in the world, yeah so, she is in Hopes Peak Academy where the ultimates reside so yeah, she clearly is a danger, but this is Kijishi and I's conversation." Kokichi proceeds to play the recording while eating Panta cake.

"Anyways where is my money I have the bitch so come get her."

The people came and took Kijishi away everyone was happy besides one messed up Hoe named Futami now everyone loves Kokichi for saving their lives and now is the baddust bitch ever. Kokichi has saved the world and now is friends with all antags and masterminds she is now as hot as ever.

Thest veryest nextest dayest

Kokichi got up ran up and thought I need to investigate the other hoe  Futami thus Kokichi's adventure beginnings!

A/N: Yeah so,I had to kill off someone cuz I felt like it this chapter is way shorter than the rest cuz my arms hurt and honestly, I'm thinking about getting married to sleep in a storm

Word count: 404 hehehsna funny error code number

Female Kokichi harem (Not really at least has a few characters out of it)Where stories live. Discover now