Chapter 1 - Cover Stories

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C H A P T E R ( 1 )

'You forgot your little suitcase Charlotte!'

Charlotte turned around at the sound of her not-so-familiar name and smiled at her mother. It was still odd hearing that name, even after eight months of it. At least she was starting to react to it though, that was something the detectives had begged her to practice. They'd let her keep it when they moved to their newest town, she'd argued at the time that she would hardly be able to learn an entirely different background story and name and they'd agreed.

Charlotte Avery, a seventeen year-old girl with green eyes and brown hair (they'd made her die it and grow it out). A girl who loved to read, play video games and bake. She lived with her divorced mother Grace; a wedding planner who had an eye for detail. They moved to the town of Winchester to start afresh after a horrible divorce.

Well that was the brief they'd been given. Charlotte was glad to at least been given some hobbies she'd enjoyed this time. Her mother also really was a wedding planner, so they'd incorporated that into the story this time because they still needed to make a living.

Charlotte stared up at the beautiful house they were renting. It was old style Victorian, with gorgeous high windows and a large front porch that stretched the length of the house. She instantly loved it and much preferred it to the modern flat they'd lived in last. The street was a typical suburban street, the blocks were much larger than she was used to and there were big leafy trees between them, but Charlotte still loved the isolated feeling it brought. She didn't like too many people around, she always felt like she was on edge when there were lots of strangers mulling. Well that's what being on the run will do to you.

'Is that the doorbell?'

Charlotte popped her head outside her bedroom door at the sound of her mother calling out. An icy feeling of dread washed over her as she froze in her spot, eyes wide in fear. It couldn't be him... could it? They had only just got here, she liked this house!

'Charlotte!' Grace frowned at her. 'Snap out of it, it's just a neighbour. I thought we'd moved past this.'

Charlotte heaved a sigh of relief. Of course it was just a neighbour. She really needed to stop thinking every person calling her name was him, and that every person knocking on the door was him.

'I'll get it,' she bounded down the stairs completely snapped out of her trance, pulling the heavy front door open wide she smiled widely at the woman standing on the porch. She had an open, honest face with a huge smile that seemed she was genuinely excited to have new neighbours. 

'Hi love, I'm your new neighbour Jody. We're just in the house to the right,' Jody pointed in the direction and Charlotte followed her hand to spot a house very similar to their own. 'Its so lovely to finally meet you, I've been pestering the real estate agent for details. Usually nothing in this town is a secret but he seemed to have nothing on you guys!' Jody burst into laughter shaking her head with the absurdity.

Charlotte swallowed, feeling uneasy again.

'Charlotte?' Grace appeared behind her placing a soothing hand on her shoulder.

'Mum, this is our neighbour Jody,' Charlotte introduced. 'Jody this is my mother Grace, and I'm Charlotte.'

'Is it just the two of you then?'

Grace smiled at Jody warmly, 'Yes it is.' Offering no further information.

Charlotte could tell Jody was one of those nosy neighbours. She probably ran the local neighbourhood watch.

'You absolutely must come over for dinner then,' Jody said firmly. 'You will be tired unpacking all those boxes I saw them carrying in earlier today.'

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