40.Horrible Past

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Zhan squeezed his hand lightly to assure him...

It's okay...I'm here...you can tell me when you feel like telling...

Yibo clutched Zhan's hand in his other hand...

I never knew that father word will horrified me...until he did everything with me...
My biological father named Zhao Feng. Actually I and jie was his beloved children but one day when I was in High school a boy proposed me and somehow I also liked him so I said yes to him although I was just 13 but he was so caring and loving that day by day my feelings for him became clear but when my father got to know that I liked boys he was angry...
At first he tried to change my mind by his words he told me that I was just ill....I need treatment.
But one day when my father took me hospital...doctor informed him that it's just normal and its my gender orientation...so my father got furious he beat me up my omma tried her best to protect me so my jie...
He got angrier when omma and jie supported me...because he just cares about his name and fame because he was connected to some gang so his name was everything for him...for his name he needed a son....as a result he was hoping that I can become his heir in his gang but I was never interested in his things...so he decided to make me strong...strong...huh...

Yibo chuckled painfully remembering his past....his past was a wound on his heart and soul...
Zhan was looking deeply to Yibo and trying his best to feel and know every feeling of Yibo's words...so he carefully listened...

In Mr. Zhao Feng's eyes there was a different meaning of word strong...strong mean heartless, merciless and ruthless...that was the meaning of strong in hus eyes...even my grandmother supported him...even he never cared about my omma and jie...because my omma was just a tool for him or you can say just a maid and jie....she was a mistake in his eyes because he was expecting a son who can become kike gim but for his disappointment omma gave birth to jie...he never cared for her...even he never gave her rights as his daughter...he ordered my omma and jie to call him master...but when omma gave birth to me he started to treat my omma a little bit better but for jie there was no room for love in his heart....
He loved me as his son but when got know about me...he again became a monster...he beaten me up...when my omma supported me he did same with omma...one day he was angry because his colleagues make fun of him because of me...they got news about his son being different from normal boys....
So..he..he...threw me in a dark room...without water and food...and ordered that if anyone dared to give me food or water or opened the gate of room...he'll punish to that person...but my omma was worried about me so she send food for me...jie sneaked in room to give me food and water but I was unconscious....
Because that room was dark...i called for help to open door...I cried and cried for help...but no one came....so I fell on ground unconscious because I was sad and exhausted....when I opened my eyes I found myself in hospital room but what hurted me more was my omma...she was hurt... his head was bandaged...jie told me what happened...and also I got news that the boy who I liked got killed by someone....that's it....I decided...that now I don't wanted to live with this person so I said to omma to leave that person....she agreed because she never received love and care from her so called husband so she somehow arranged divorce papers because her parents were not so able and she also didn't want to make suffer them...because she was well aware of Mr Zhao Feng's bad deeds...so without troubling her family omma send them down town...
I was in hospital for three days and in those days she and jie prepared everything...she signed papers and we escaped because we were aware that he'll ne er allow us to leave from that hell...so we ran away but his men followed us....

Zhan was shocked by Yibo's past...now he was feeling uneasy...because he was doing something unforgivable....


Guess what is going to happen? 🤨

Thanks for reading 😊

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