✩ Drink and connfess✩

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TWW drinking :)

Red and blue have been friends for a long time now, but Blue has been gaining feelings for him ever since he broke up with pink.
Him and Red started having a good friendship after pink broke up with him because of blue being sad and shit. Red tried to comfort him during those times. It worked, ig?
One night, red was on the couch doing his thing, and blue walked thru the door, with a bag that looked like the shape of a bottle.
"What did u buy?" Red asked but still having his eyes on the screen.
"Nothing much."
'Hm..' red had thought to himself.
Blue walked to the kitchen and pulled out a cup , grabbed the bottle, and poured some in the cup. Red turned off the TV and walked over to blue.
"Try not to drink a lot, or do idrgaf."
Blue would laugh, knowing he cared and continued to drink.

Red was still sitting there in the kitchen to watch after Blue to make sure he didn't get tipsy. He did.
"Come on," he'd stand up and walk toward Blue and hold his waist to make sure he doesn't fall.
"I got thisss. Let go of meee." Blue said
"No, c'mon."
"WAIT! WAIT, wait, wait."
Red looked at him, confused, and just paid attention to him.
"Okay, okay, so there's this kid I like.. he's my roommate and like he's really hot and cool." Blue laughs after saying that."But! don't say anything!"
Red blushes and smiles. "I don't think that would be necessary."
He'd pick him up and walk upstairs into his room and lays blue down. "Wait! I don't wanna sleep alone! Lay down with me!" The taller one said.
"Fine." Red smiled while walking toward blue once agian. He'd lay down next to blue and would cuddle up to red. Red was supprised but went along with it and wrapped his arms around Blue.

The next morning
Blue would wake up next to red, surprised he smiled, but he also was confused about how he ended up here.
"How did this happen?.." Blue would try and think about what happened the night before, but he couldn't remember.  Then red would slowly wake up and groan.
"Good morning.." Red would sit up and rub his eye,  looking at blue and smiling. Blue would smile back and ask, "What happened last night?"
"OH , othing much, u just got drunk ,and I took care of you." Red would replay. "Did I say anything stupid? At all?" Blue asked. "Uhm, no ,  don't think so..oh! U did say about likin,  uhm..uh" Red cut himself off. Blue would blush and ask, "About liking who?". "Hehe..uhm..me?" Red was hesitant about it. "Oh shit..Uh!" Blue would also be hesitant but ened up saying it. "Yes. That was true if you were wondering. I really do like you red , and I want you to know that, but I also don't want it to get in the way of our friendship."
Red looked at blue and smiled. He has also had these feelings for him for a long time. "Why would that get in the way?" Red asked. Blue looked up confused. "Because you aren't gay? And I like you, " Blue replayed. "Dude. I'm pansexual, and actually -" Red cut himself off and grabs blue and slams their lips together, kissing him.
Blue was surprised but did the same. Even though he was with pink, he never really liked her as much as he liked red. He took this chance to kiss him back as it can probably never happen again.
Red stopped the kiss and smiled at blue. "I actually do like you back. I just never showed it or said it because again you were with pink. So I didn't bother to say anything." Red continued. "Well, now you can say something. And you did." Blue would smile. "So are we..a thing?" Red asked. "Only if you want to be." Blue replayed, kinda scared for a replay. "Ofc I want to be!" Red added on and kissed him again but stopped. "Sorry, was that too much?" Red asked. Blue would giggle "No it wasn't! Dont worry." Blue smiled and kissed red again.

I want what they have 😔))

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