Chapter 1

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Jisung stirred in his sleep, tossing and turning uncontrollably. His mind was running wild, not even a moment's peace for sleep. It was going on week three of no proper sleep.

He was dreaming, dreaming about the one person who has consistently terrorized him his whole high school career for the last three, going on four years.

He was dreaming of none other than, Lee Minho. The boy who has made it his mission to terrorize Jisung every chance he got. It was like Minho's soul purpose was to make his life agonizing sometimes

It was a Tuesday night, Wednesday would soon be upon him and he hasn't slept much at all. He woke up, checking the clock on his wall. It was 5:34 AM and he would soon be woken up by his parents to get ready for school.

It was now 6 AM, Jisung's mom walking into the boy's dark room. She flicked the light on, causing Jisung to groan in protest.

"Good morning, honey." The sweet woman smiled, sitting next to Jisung to rub the hair off his forehead with her thumbs.

"Didn't sleep well again?" She frowned, noticing the dark bags under Jisung's eyes. She was aware of Jisung's poor sleeping these past few weeks, but not the reason for why.

Jisung hated lying to his parents about stuff, he viewed being a liar a sin, however Minho scared him so much that he had no other choice but to keep quiet. His bully had so much power, it was terrifying.

This wouldn't be the first time he sinned because Minho, and it most certainly wouldn't be the last either.

Jisung could only groan in response, wiping away his eye crusties before looking at his mom. He offered her a small smile before getting up to stretch.

"Breakfast is ready whenever you come down stairs." She said, leaving Jisung to get ready for the day.

The 18 year old boy looked around his bare room, sighing to himself sadly. He wasn't looking forward to going to school, Minho was going to terrorize him again and he didn't want that. He changed into his khakis, getting a blue button down from his closet to wear for the day. He tucked in the shirt nicely, sure to look presentable for the day.

Jisung chose to dress like this, chose to have a boring room, and a simplistic life based off of his religious beliefs. His parents did quite the opposite of repressing his expressive desires, in fact they encouraged it, however Jisung wasn't super expressive.

His parents tried gifting him a phone for his birthday a few years back and he politely declined. He wanted to live a life simple and not one filled with temptation. A phone was something he deemed useless and full of harmful to the mind.

Jisung's always been very religious, as where his parents, but his parents weren't as extreme as Jisung was. Jisung took his faith very seriously, it feeling like the only thing giving him purpose in this horrible world. His parents weren't too sure why Jisung was the way he was, yet they encouraged him to do what makes him happy.

Jisung made his way to the bathroom, combing out his hair and brushing his teeth. He ran downstairs, smiling sweetly at his mom and dad. He sat with them, eating breakfast in peace. He was dreading going to school, hating how the bus would be there shortly.

He finished up his breakfast, gathering his things before heading outside. The bus was already waiting for him. He hopped on, taking the very first seat. He stared quietly out the window for ten minutes before the bus pulled
up to the school.

He looked outside the window intently, eyes locking onto Minho almost immediately. A smirk formed on his lips when he locked eyes onto Jisung's.

It wasn't a rare occurrence for Minho to be hanging out by the bus drop off area. He did it once or twice every week, and Jisung hated it.

The brunette let out a small huff, growing more anxious when it got closer to having to get off and head to first period.

Minho leaned against one of the columns outside, arms crossed while he swirled around a pink lollipop in his mouth. The purple haired bully always had a lollipop in his mouth, often times swirling it around in a manner that only changed when Jisung was around.

Something about it was sinful, rubbing Jisung the wrong way each time he witnessed it. The sight of Minho's half lidded eyes while he sucked on the candy made Jisung uncomfortable. The way his lips glistened from the saliva, and how his mouth wrapped around the candy in such a sinful manner disgusted Jisung.

He hated the disgusting look of sin on Minho's face, yet he could never bring himself to look away at times.

The bus doors opened, kids running out of the bus almost immediately to go talk to their friends. Jisung sat quietly, watching them all leave before finally getting off himself. He shuttered under Minho's intense gaze. Growing more fearful the second his smirk formed into a smile.

"Holy Mary! Oops- I meant Jisung!" Minho happily said, yanking the boy by his book bag strap. The group of kids he was with all giggled, and like always there were no teachers in sight.

"D-don't call me that!" Jisung said, angry by Minho's carelessness and disrespect of such important names.

"Why?" Minho seductively asked, wrapping his arm around Jisung, pulling him into a side hug. He held him close, wiggling the boy around carelessly while he laughed.

"I-it's not right!" Jisung shouted, eyes shut tight while he tried desperately to get out of the boy's grip. "Does it look like I give a shit?" The bully asked, aggressively shoving Jisung onto the hard concrete.

Jisung let out a loud cry, bracing for impact. He fell hard onto the ground, hitting the side of his head hard. Blood seeped from his temple while he laid there quietly sobbing to himself.

He looked up at Minho, a small hint of sympathy in his eyes. The purple haired boy giggled softly with his friends, though his smile wasn't evident. Maybe he realized he took it a little too far today, yet he didn't seem to care that much. He walked away quickly, desperate to not get yelled at by any teachers.

Kids stared at him while he laid on the concrete, sobbing quietly to himself. Some looked empathetic, some laughed. None cared enough to do anything.

"J-Jisung?!" A familiar voice cried out. Just when all hope was lost, Felix came to his rescue once again. The blonde ran up to Jisung with urgency, quickly helping him to his feet.

"Are you okay?" He asked, round glasses resting on his cute little button nose. Jisung felt himself stuttering on his words, a small blush on his features when Felix wrapped his arm around
Jisung's waist to help guide him inside.

"Y-yes..." Jisung quietly said, pushing past all the intrusive thoughts that flooded his mind when Felix arrived.

"We have to get to the nurse and tell her what happened." Felix said, ignoring the looks of all the other students. "N-no!" Jisung quickly said, yanking himself out of Felix's hold.

"Why not?" The blonde asked, confusion dancing across his adorable features.

"B-because!" Jisung said, remembering what happened between him and Minho a few weeks ago. He couldn't tell any authority figure about any of the bullying going on, or else Minho would tell his secret to everybody. Nobody could know, nobody would ever know.

"Why not?!" Felix asked angrily, annoyed on how Jisung allowed such treatment.

"Just take me to the nurse." Jisung pleaded, walking silently with his best friend. They walked quietly to the nurse while Jisung pondered, mind focusing on Felix's tight hold on his waist and the scent of his sweet smell.

Jisung couldn't let anyone know his secret. Minho was the only one who knew and he planned on keeping it that way. He would endure all the abuse he had to if it meant bringing that secret with him to the grave.

HELLO ITS FINALLY HERE!!! don't worry i didn't forget about FATH i promise! LMK YOUR THOUGHTS I LOVE YOU ALL

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