𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5

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This morning Chris has woken up,ate breakfast as usual and went to school.

He saw many people standing in a circle watching some view including his friends. There must be something interesting.So he decided to go there and see what's happening.

As he arrived and saw the view, he was shocked to see his ex girlfriend bullying Amelia.

Before Chris known as the school's bad boy, does anything, he went through the crowd pushing them and attacked Lexy. He taught her a lesson to never touch Amelia or near her. He looked at Amelia with some blood on her face and yelled at Lexy. She ran away after punching her in the face.
Meanwhile with Amelia, she ran towards the bathroom with bloody hands, face and watered eyes.

As she arrived, her two best friends came behind her and helped her clean up herself. Amelia didn't feel well, at this moment since she had been feeling woozy after incident. She went and asked the principal for permission if she could be sent home. The principal nodded.

Meanwhile with Chris and his friends

Max:"Yo, boys. Did y'all hear thay Amelia got sent home?"

Chris:"What? Why?"

Alex:"They say, she felt woozy after Lexy beat her up. But anyways Chris, you know prom is tomorrow, so you better find a girl to ask out."

Chris sighs. "I still haven't found one, my brother." He whispers.

Max:"Bro, I asked Lilith to go to prom with me, Alex asked Victoria, why don't you ask Amelia?"

Chris:"I'm not interested in girls especially her, but I think I'm going alone ."

Alex:"Good luck then."

*School bell rings*

Max:"Welp, it's time for PE class."

Chris:"Hell yeah, I bet we'll beat another team."

Alex:"Let's go, boys."

They went inside the gym, then to the boys changing room and changed into their game uniforms.

While  changing, the door got opened and Amelia was pushed by somebody in her underwear. The girl's eyes were watering and tried covering her body, but didn't have any covers or object to cover it. All the boys looked away.

Chris grabbed his hoodie while having his eyes shut. approaching Amelia, step by step.

As he reached her, both of 'em looked deeply in the eyes, after some seconds later, Chris grabbed the hoodie he was holding in his left hand and whispered in Amelia's ear:
"Wear it, no one must see your body, until he is...me."

As Amelia wore the hoodie, all the boys were gone. Amelia thought:
"They must've went to their game, but why did he give me his hoodie?"

Amelia went inside the gym seeing the boys playing. Her two friends waved at her to come, so she went there and sat next them while watching game.

Victoria:"Yo girls, I need to tell y'all something!"


Amelia:"What is it?"

Victoria:"Alex asked me out to prom tomorrow! I'm so excited!"

Amelia:"I'm happy for you girl!!"

Lilith:"Yessss!, you rock!."

Amelia:"Oh, what about you, Lilith?"

Lilith:"Oh sorry I completely forgot. But anyway, Max asked me too!"

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑎𝑑𝑏𝑜𝑦'𝑠 ℎ𝑜𝑡 𝑐𝑟𝑢𝑠ℎWhere stories live. Discover now