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We had it all. We had it all; we were forever in a moment. Our bodies were one, we glanced at the stars, of all the billions of earthlings it was us, and us alone. We laughed at the stupid jokes we would tell, we dance in the open field to all of our songs, the summer breeze felt so perfect, this moment felt so perfect, and like that it was over. She grab my hand, stared into my eyes one more time, kissed me one more time.

My dipshit sister sprayed me with cold fucking water again, I swear, I really do want to kill her sometimes. I really do. But I won't, jail I heard is a pretty lousy place. So I just stuck my tongue out at her and gave her the evil eyes, she knows what that means.
I got up did my daily stretch. Checked my phone for messages.
Wiped my eyes. That dream I had last night was the same dream I been having, I wish that girl was real; my girlfriend now is such a bitch. I swear.
Speaking of her. I got like 42 texts, and four calls on top of that, saying the same shit, WHERE ARE YOU- I MISS YOU- YOU ARE WITH HER AGAIN-
This girl is a complete lunatic, like seriously. I can't deal with it, that's why today I am breaking up with her.
I go downstairs, get my breakfast, my mom was watching the news, she's addicted to that shit, everyday it's the same thing, President whatever whatever did this, did that, mom tells me to vote for him, but why would I vote for a narcissistic racist asshole again, the fuckin dude already brought America down to the shitter once so I have to witness this country fall apart again, naaa I'm good. But fuck politics, they are all sleazeballs.
my phone rang again I picked up.
"WHERE THE FUCK YOU BEEN YOU FAT FUCK, I LEFT 42 MESSAGES, I DON'T KNOW WHY I WASTE MY TIME WITH YOU, YOU DO NOTHING FOR ME, YOU ARE USELESS, YOU SMELL, YOUR FAMILY ARE WEIRD, AHHHHHHHHH!! I'M SORRY BABY, I'm sorry baby, I woke up so grumpy today, can we get ice-cream, I miss you, I love you so much, god baby I miss you."
"Yeah sure I have to tell you something."
"Oh baby I can't wait."
"I love you!"
I hung up – no you don't love me, you love being an abusive bitch to me for no reason.
So I sat down at the table she got her ICE-CREAM – She was enjoying it, I wasn't.
"So baby boy, what do you have to tell me?" Her face got so bright and cheery.
"We are breaking up! I can't stand you anymore, you are always mean to me, abuse me mentally, and I have had enough."
"Yeah did I stutter! You are an absolute piece of trash human."
"You fucking asshole! I hope you die."
She stormed off as crying, she wasn't looking as she was hit by a car, this young dude in his twenties got out he was crying, and saying sorry.

Don't worry she didn't die.
I really wished she did. I know it's horrible for me to say. My guilty ass went to the hospital she was pretty fucked up.
"Hey Claire, I'm sorry."
"Fu fu fu."
"What you want food?"
"Fuck you."
"Oh! Understandable, we just broke up."
"Thank you! I'm going home now Claire."
I walked out, I had some tears, why am I such a horrible person.
I wasn't paying any attention and I bumped into this girl. She was in this sunflower dress; she had her headphones on, our eyes met.
"I'm sorry!"
"It's okay."
I turned around, took another glance at her, she did the same; she smiled as I smiled too.
I went home, my mom said, "I heard what happen to Claire, you must be so upset."
"No Mom I'm not, she was a horrible person she always mentally abusing me, cursed at me all the time, made me feel like a piece of shit mom."
"Oh honey that is awful, I never knew this."
"Yeah Mom I wouldn't expect you to, you are never around, you are so focus on that damn TV all the freaking time, like it's annoying. It's the same goddamn shit every day."
"You were probably a jerk to her." Jenny said in a snobby attitude.
"Fuck you Jenny, you are really an annoying brat."
"Dennis don't be mean to your sister."
"I swear she is the spawn of Satan."
"Go to hell!"
"Good Jenny, when the time comes for you to date a guy, I swear you'll be a complete bitchbasket just like Claire was. I fucking hate both of you."
I storm off like a little child, even though I'm Nineteen. I go upstairs, turn on my computer and go on Youtube, try to find something of interest. My mom knocks on the door, I don't paid her any mind, I just ignore her. I know I shouldn't be a dick, I just I miss my Dad, he was in the war, it was a BS War too, some crap the President made up. Just so he could kill more Americans. We got some bullshit letter from him saying how great of a HERO he was to our WONDERFUL COUNTRY. And all this other fake horse shit. It was just another body in a casket under his name, that he could sneer at and make money off. America has become a pretty shitty place, racism is at an all time high, cops has lost their minds and pretty much shoot to kill anybody who breathes their way, Neo- Nazi's have taken over certain places, and I feel there will be a war very soon in this country, between this dickheads supporters and non-supporters. He's been working on making it his country. And here I am in the mist of all this crap, just broke up with my useless, abusive girlfriend, my mom is brainwashed, my sister is 12 but acts eight, my dad is dead, and all I want is just a normal girlfriend. Somebody who will love me for me. Okay maybe I didn't start this story off on the right foot, and a lot of women will think I'm a dick. Okay, you can have that one, but give me a chance okay; you'll see I'm the nicest guy you'll ever read about, the nicest guy that deserves a good girl.

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