Ch.1 a Graduation and a...

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I'm writing like a 4 book at a time but who cares❤️


March 19, 2023

Everyone cheered as Enid sinclair stepped off the stage after finishing her speech.
"Now...a Very Faithfull student of Nevermore...Xavier Thrope!" They announcement and Xavier walked up the stage with a smile. Taking the microphone, he sucked in a breath of nervousness as he met eye-to-eye with other nightshade members as they stood in a corner all together. They all smiled and nodded at him, reassuring him in what they had planned.

"I want to start with, thank you, everyone for everything, I've had some great friends and adventures at this school, its like it was still yesterday when I got here...this school thought me many things...and gave me many experience...I did some good and bad things, but best thing I have decided was to date the girl who I call love of my life now." He Said as he met eye-to-eye with Wednesday. Her eyes widened slightly, she blushed and glared at him. He chuckled. "Wednesday, step up please" he said, hall filled with confusion, Wednesday had already said her 'speech' with was just thank you and bye but yeah. For Wednesday it was enough.

Wednesday stepped up and stood next to him, facing him, Xavier also turned to face her, "You changed me a lot, you tought me, you though every one of us many things, you came and changed this school altogether...changed us...changed me...and now, you saved our saved my life...this just made me love you more, every second day I'm falling in love with you over and over I can't help but want to spend every single day of my life with" he slides his hand In his pocket, pulling out a very much known box out of it. Hall filled with gasps. Wednesday's eyes widened as Xavier opened the box, inside there was placed a black diamond ring. With was by the way very rare to get, and very much expensive.
Kneeling down on one knee, he smiled up at her. "Will you marry me?" He asked, the hall filled with Applasure and "Awwes".

"I-I" Windnesday was lost of words. "I...Of course i will" she said as she kneeled down with him, pulling him in a tight hug, trying very hard to keep a smile of her face and failing. She herself was surprised of how could she control herself in that exact moment as well as she did, because she was quite literally exploding inside right now. Xavier laughted as his eyes watered, pulling back, he pulled her in a sweet kiss.
Even louder applasure was heard in the hall and you could hear students yelling "Yes" "slayy" or just awwes.

Gomez and Morticia had stood up from their chairs and had brightest smiles on their face as they clapped, as well as Pugsley.

Wednesday pulled away from the kiss and wiped her teary eyes with her sleeves "I can't belive you made me this emonational..." she said angrily, making the hall laught as well as Xavier.


"Congratulations!!! Im so happy for yall!!" Enid Squaked as she pulled Wednesday in a tight hug. "Enough Enid. But thank you" Wednesday said as she only slightly hugged back. Enid giggled and pulled back away. "Congrats dude" Knet said as he came up with a smile, rest of the nightshades following behind. "Addams, Congratulations" he greeted with a smile, nodding towards Wednesday she just nodded back with a slight smile still playing on her lips. "Addams? Now now Knet...its Mrs.Thorpe for you" Diviana said as she came besides her brother. Making Wednesday glared. Xavier chuckled. "Thank you guys, really" he said. "Oh don't mention it...I can't wait to be an aunt!" Bianca said with a smirk. Coming to them with arm-in-arm with Lucas.
"Congratulations guys" lucas said with a smile.

"We will leave you alone now, good day yall!" Enid giggled. "Can't wait for the wedding. Oh and congratulations" ajax added with a smile, going after his own fiancé.

As everyone cleared out of their sights, Wednesday caught her parents coming up to them.
"Wednesday, Congratulations darling" Morticia said with a smile. Nodding towards Xavier.
"You're good man Xavier, I'm sure I'm leaving my daughter in safe hands" Gomez grinned as he petted his back. Xavier laughted. "Thank you Mr.Addams." "take care now darlings." Mortica said and her and Gomez walked away. "Congratulations sis" Pugsley smiled as he hugged her tightly. "Thank you Pugsley" Wednesday answered, wrapping her arms around her brother and slightly hugging back, Pugsley pulled away and moved to Xavier, they had became great friends after Wednesday introduced Xavier as her boyfriend to her family.

"You too Xav! Congratulations!" He said cheerfully. Xavier grinned. "Thanks Pugsley" he said as he petted his head. 
Pugsley giggled.
"Pugsley! Come on darling!" Was heard Morticias voice from distance.
"I've got to go now, bye guys!" Pugsley said and ran back to his parents.

As he left, Xavier turned to Wednesday, walking up to her with a smile, he wrapped his arms around her waist.
"You made me the happiest man alive today wens..." he whispered softly as he brought their foreheads together. Wednesday smiled slightly, cupping his face in both her hands, she pulled him in a sweet kiss.

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