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"If you have chemistry, you only need one other thing. Timing.... but timings a bitch"

 but timings a bitch"-Unknown-

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Maya doesn't move. She doesn't wake up, or even bat an eyelid. Her body is limp, and breathing is slow. Derek holds his head in his hands and lets out a scream of agony as he holds Maya's body in his arms, not wanting to let go. And not wanting her to let go.


The paramedics were driving quickly to the hospital and Derek just finished calling the team to inform them on what happened. "Maya, can you hear me?" One of the paramedics asks as him and his colleagues scramble around in the back of the vehicle, putting an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth.

Derek holds Maya's hand tightly as the paramedics feel her pulse. "Pulse is still shallow" The women announce to her fellow workers as Derek fights the sob that wants to escape him. Maya's fingers begin to twitch, but blood still seeps from her shirt and her eyes are still closed, not showing any true signs of waking up.

"Come on, come on" Derek whispers to himself as they use a light to check Maya's pupils and sees she is responding well, but her pulse still isn't picking up. "Make sure the hospital has an OR ready!" One of the paramedics' shouts as they arrive at the hospital, kicking the back doors open and strolling Maya inside where multiple trauma doctors and nurses rush over.

A doctor uses his stethoscope to listen to Maya's heartbeat and she barley has one. "How long has she been like this?" The doctor asks one of the paramedics as they move Maya to her own trauma bed. "Since we arrived, doc, so for about 10 minutes" The paramedic answers and the doctor widen his eyes secretly.

"The women is a fighter. Get her to OR2 now" The doctor orders as he wraps his stethoscope around his neck and snatches off his surgical gloves. "Is she going to be, okay?" Derek asks, wishing he could do more for Maya as she lays on the hospital bed helpless.

"We're going to do everything we can" One of the nurses says as they stroll Maya out of the room and straight pass Derek.

Derek wanders out into the hallway, looking down at his blood-soaked clothes when Natalie is the first to arrive, "Derek! What happened to my sister?!" Natalie asks frantically, rushing up to Derek, who has blood staining his clothes and no way of getting it off.

"Who shot my sister, Derek!?" Natalie asks, demanding to know the answer, but Derek shakes his head, his breathing ragged. "I---I don't know. I don't know" Derek says as he takes a step, and his body begins to wobble to the side. Natalie gasps and grabs onto Derek's shoulder, leading him to one of the chairs.

"Whe--where's the team?" Derek asks, "Rossi, Reid and Tara are at the office since the police got their first. Hotch, JJ and Garcia are on their way here now" Natalie states as Derek nods his head slowly.


At the office, Rossi looks down at the shattered glass before looking at the tall parking garage building right across from them and see's it's enough open access on the roof for a sniper.

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