The first run away

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Fall has always been one of my favorite seasons ever!
Cause you got the pumpkin patch, haunted hay rides, corn fields and mazes, and scary ghost stories, and Halloween. There is so much that you can do around this time.

The leaves were still just starting to fully hit the ground. They blew around the neighborhood as the cold wind pushed them around. At night it was kinda scary because sometimes the wind pushed really hard against my window.

But anyways today I am having a friend over while my parents are at work. I got permission like last weekend so she's gonna also be staying the night here tonight.

Later on...
I was getting snacks ready until I heard the doorbell ring. I sat the butter onto the table and ran to the door. Opening the door it was my friend, she has made it!

"Hey, come on in!" I said,
"Hey, did I bring to much?" She asked nervously,
Me looking at everything she brought it wasn't to bad.

"Uh, no? I don't think so." I replied,
"Are you sure? Because I didn't necessarily need all of this, it's just in case!"
"Yeah it's fine, just leave it in my room."
She then went up into my room and put her stuff away. I went back to the kitchen to finish making snacks.

"Hey Y/N? Come up here really quick!" I heard her yell right as I started to cut the butter into small slices for a meal that I was gonna be making.
I stopped what I was doing and sighed running up the stairs.

"What is it?" I asked worriedly,
"There's someone outside, and I think that there watching us?" She stated cautiously,
"What? Let me see." I said slightly nudging her out of the way. But when I was there I didn't see anyone?
"Your kidding, there's literally no one there Kate!" I said in relief,
"Yes there is... he was right-"
"He's gone. I swear. I-seen-someone Y/N! You gotta believe me!!"
"It's not that I really don't it's just I have to see it in order to believe it mainly. Come on I need to finish making the food." I said slowly walking out of the room with my eyes concernly locked outside of the window.

After a few minutes had passed we were all set just to sit on the couch and talk, plan, and watch TV!!
I sat the snacks down on the coffee table and grabbed a blanket that had colorful pumpkins on it and plopped onto the couch.

"So, what do you wanna watch?" Kate had asked me,
"How about like a scary movie?" I replied, but when I said that she looked scared.
"Hey is everything okay Kate?"
"Y-yeah! I just am not a big fan of them right now. Cause last night I watched one and I got really scared."
"Oh, we'll we don't have to then" I replied, turning the tv to a different channel.
"No, no it's okay! We can watch one, but what one would it be?"
"How about Halloween? Like Michael Myers you know?"
"Yeah your hot boyfriend?" She said laughing,
I just looked at her and rolled my big, blue eyes.

Turning on the movie at least an half an hour had past and we were just getting to the good part. Until I heard a noise behind me. I quickly turned around and it was nothing, but I noticed that the noise was still being quietly made?

"Kate, do you hear that?" I asked nervously,
"Uh hear what Y/N?" She replied,
I got up and walked over close to the noise. It was the front door knob. It was turning side to side but once I noticed that the door was unlocked I went and locked it right away.

"Y/N what is it?" Kate yelled from in the kitchen.
"Shhh" I said putting my pointer figure over my lips.
Then I started t walking over to her explaining, "Kate, t-there is someone-outside. Now please don't freak out, we're gonna go upstairs into my room and call the police and then call my parents."

She quickly nodded her head with a scared look on her face. Don't worry I was scared too, but I just kept a straight face so we both wouldn't freak out even more...

When we got upstairs I shut the door behind me putting a large dresser in front of it. I shut my curtains and me and my dog, and my friend Kate sat on the floor.

"Okay I'm gonna call the police." I said while dialing the phone. But just then the phone turned off?
"Kate..." I said shaking her as her eyes were closed, while petting my fluffy, and chubby dog.

"W-what is it?" She replied with a sleep voice,
"I think the phone died- and now there's nothing we can do."
"Are you kidding me right now? Now there gonna come up here and obviously find us, and then break into the room, and probably kill us-" and she just kept going.

"STOP!! There not gonna break into my room, and there not gonna kill us. Think positive and not negative-Kate. We'll just have to find a way to get the home phone downstairs." I explained impatiently,

"Well then how are we gonna do that? Isn't the door locked downstairs?" She asked,
"Yes, yeah it is, I locked it before we came up here. I have an idea, what we're gonna do is quickly go downstairs and your gonna keep watch while I go and grab the phone. And I have a safety defense kit hidden in my drawer."

I got up and got the kit. We moved the dresser and slowly walked down the stairs. I ran to the phone and grabbed it, but in the corner of my eye I noticed a figure. I got caught in the moment until,
"Hey? Y/N are you okay?"
"O-oh yeah, I am okay!" I said running back to her tripping and scraping my knee and elbow.

"Omg are you okay?" Kate asked worriedly,
"Yes I am okay, quick we better get back up to my room."
I accidentally dropped the phone but we managed to get in safely. I called 911, and my parents and they all tried to get here as-soon- as possible!!

Who was that trying to break inside of my house? What did they want from us? How did they know who I am, or where I even live?

Hey guys Tysm for choosing my story as your next book to be reading. I have made a few of these but hopefully this one will work out on my new main acc!! (Which is this one)
Happy New Years, 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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