-forty five-

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"I'm so hungry." Soo In hugged her stomach and leaned against the wall, whining.

"Why didn't you eat breakfast?" Alicia asked.

"The nerves got to me."

"Tell me, who can eat breakfast an hour before the biggest exam they've done in their life? I only managed to eat a banana." In Ha groaned and leaned against the wall with Soo In.

"I ate. My brain won't function unless I eat." Alicia said.

"Well, we work differently I guess. How about you, Jihye?"

"I ate chocolate. I'm not really hungry now, but I'm sure I'll be hungry in the middle of the paper."

"We're doomed." Soo In cried out and knocked her head on the wall.

"Hey, don't start killing your braincells before the exam. You're going to need every last one of them." Alicia pulled her away from the wall.

"Not sure if that's how it works, but I don't think having a bruised and aching forehead would benefit you in the exam, so you shouldn't bang your head on the wall." In Ha patted Soo In's shoulder.

"Do we have time to revise?"

"Sis, it's 30 minutes to the exam. There is no way we're squeezing that much content in 30 minutes. Also, it doesn't help much. It just makes you panic more, so calm down." Alicia said.

"Okay... okay." Soo In took a few deep breaths before she sat on the floor and started meditating. In Ha shrugged and soon followed suit.

"Okay, I'll just leave you two to it..." Alicia gave her 2 friends a weird look before she took some cookies from her bag and started eating.

"Oooo can I have one?" Jihye asked.

"Sure." Alicia gladly offered the cookies to Jihye. She happily took one and started munching, but she was interrupted by her phone buzzing.

"Oh.... Oh, I'm gonna take this call."

"Okay. Just come back in time."

"Yes, I will." Jihye said before she walked off to a nearby staircase to answer the phone.

"Hello." Jihye waved to the camera, her phone screen now displaying the ever-so-handsome face of her boyfriend.

"Good morning, sweetheart."

"Not a really good morning here... but, good morning to you too."

"Ah right, your CSATS are starting soon. Good luck, darling. Not that you need it though."

"Oh I need it alright, for an easy paper."

"I highly doubt the biggest exam of anyone's life would have an easy paper."

"Yeah... Oh well, what are you doing now?"

"Lying in bed waiting for my members to get their asses ready for a schedule."

"Wow, you're fast."

"Yeah, of course. I'm Yang Jungwon."

"Yah he's lying. He got up this early just to be able to videocall you." Sunoo's voice was heard, though he didn't appear on screen.

"Yah hyung! Don't listen to Sunoo hyung. He's lying."

"Am not."

"Just go away, hyung. I'm trying to talk to my girlfriend."

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now