4. I

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As the day rose, Kintoru was still asleep. The sun said a big hello as some people woke up early to work in the town, while some kids woke up early to play and make sure it lasts longer than before.

Kintoru continued to sleep, falling into a deep slumber. But do you ever wonder, what is going on inside her head?


In the depths of her head, was a dream. A dream where the bottom is black and the rest are red, and it's the same place that she 'imagined' yesterday with the Beast of Control. In her dream, she was standing at the grass of the sakura tree, with the Beast of Control in front of her.

The beast was behind the tree as Kintoru curiously looked at them, feeling her fear slowly subside a bit. "Hello?" It was more of a question than a friendly gesture, noticing how the beast mimicked her actions; gripping on the tree tightly and tilting to the side. But one big difference is NOT THE HEIGHT, but their gaze.

She looked up at them, while they look down at her.

"A-are you.. going to harm me?" Kintoru asked, her voice shaky as the fear slowly rises again. Though, the beast shook its head. "Wait, so you're not going to harm me?" Her eyes widen in shock, clearly not expecting this. She thought the beast would harm her, like how it harmed other people. But she knew that it didn't specify children in the book. Though, she was curious if the beast had another name, she doesn't want to keep calling it "beast of control", it felt tiring for her.

"W-well.. do you have any name instead of Beast of Control?" The little girl asked.

She was unsure if the Beast of Control was a threat, she knows they are a threat to society, but she wasn't sure if they kill children too. Then they spoke, "I have no name." Their voice was husky and low, and a bit echo-ish.

Kintoru jumped a bit on the sudden response, but she quickly composed herself and nodded. "Oh... can I name you then?" She asked as the beast nods. She pondered for a name, she seemed so much like her nee-san yet at the same time she doesn't want to think that a beast is having her own nee-san's name. She trusts Sama a lot, she relies on her too, and she even believes on what she says and takes care of her a lot!

So, she continues to think of a name that suits the beast a lot, or something. Then, a name finally crossed in her mind. "Aiko!" She blurted out as the beast's eyes widen a bit, but calmed down.

Aiko was actually a friend of Sama before they moved here in Kyoto Town, Kintoru had met Aiko and things were not great. Ever since Sama invited Aiko in their minka, there was already tension in the air. Because why?

Aiko was staring lustfully at Arata, the father of Sama and Kintoru. Arata had long dark hair that was tied into a ponytail, his hair cascaded down. He had dull black eyes with slight pale skin. He always held a brooding look on his face as he wore a gray kimono.

And none of them liked it in one bit.

Even Sachiko who was seething in rage and jealousy (Get it? Nvm.. *leaves*).

Sure Kintoru doesn't know on what are the full crimes of Beast of Control, but she knows that Beast of Control won't suddenly try to rape a fucking grown ass man???? RIGHT???

Yes that happened. Aiko tried to RAPE THE LIVING HELL OUT OF THE POOR ARATA. He was even scared of her! That's when Sama kicked her out and said "fuck off".

(A/N: Sorry got carried away with the professional writing to this writing <3)

Though, she didn't name the Beast of Control "Aiko" because she is evil. But the fact it's such a beautiful name that it went to a waste with Aiko, the girl who literally tried to rape Arata, Kintoru's father.

"I.. like it.." Beast of Control, now nicknamed as Aiko nervously said. Inside, Sama was dying literally. She was screaming at the top of her lungs while punching the corners of this beast form, not liking on how her own little sister named her the asshole friend of hers.

But eh she probably ran out of ideas to name her.

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