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Kylie: falls asleep on the couch laying on kentrell

Kentrell: Kylie come on let's go upstairs baby it's 1:00 am

Kylie: doesn't say anything

Kentrell: looks at her face and im talking to myself again aren't i

Kylie: doesn't say anything

Kentrell: well that answers my question come on picks her up and takes her upstairs to their room

Kylie: wraps her arms around him and gets comfortable

Kentrell: puts her on their bed and takes her clothes off cuz she sleeps with no shirt or pants on

Kylie: kentrell whines

Kentrell: takes his shoes of and lays down next to her I know come here wraps his arms around her

Kylie: lays her head into his chest "I love you" muffled sound

Kentrell: I love you to ma kisses her forehead

Twenty Minutes later

Kylie: sleep

Kentrell: puts Kylie's head on his pillow and goes downstairs to the kitchen and gets a bottle of leen and starts drinking and smoking

Stormi: daddy walks into the kitchen rubbing her eyes

Kentrell: hurry's up and hides the bottle of leen why are you up so late baby

Stormi: can't sleep what's behind your back walks towards kentrell

Kentrell: nothing

Stormi: how come you don't want me to lie but your lying to me right now that's not fair folds her arms

Kentrell: your right shoes Stormi the bottle

Stormi: bad daddy slaps kentrells hand

Kentrell: I know but it makes me feels better pours it into a cup

Stormi: mommy said that it's bad to drink your problems away do you want to become an alcoholic and lose mommy

Kentrell: thinks about what Kylie said

"If I even suspect your drinking leen too drink your problems away I will leave you I dont care how many kids we have"

Stormi: please don't daddy

Kentrell: well I need it right now ok grabs the cup about to drink it

Stormi: runs upstairs and jumps on Kylie crying

Kylie: Stormi what's wrong looks around for kentrell

Stormi: daddy's doing it again

Kylie: doing what baby stands up

Stormi: he's drinking leen to drink his problems away again right now

Kylie: are you serious runs down the stairs into the kitchen

Stormi: follows after her

Kylie: ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS KENTRELL slaps the glass out his hand and makes it break


Kylie: how did you even get this shit in this house looks at the bottle tequila

Kentrell: that's how


Kentrell: well you didn't since you where pregnant drinks some out the bottle

Kylie: starts tearing up how long have you been doing this looks down

Kentrell: dat don't mat—


Kentrell: since you where pregnant the second time drinks some more

Kylie: looks at him in disgust

Stormi: daddy stop takes the bottle from the counter

Kentrell: give it back Stormi

Stormi: no it's bad for you gives it to Kylie

Kentrell: give it to me Kylie gets close to her

Kylie: I'm sorry no throws the bottle at the door Stormi go upstairs now go

Stormi: runs upstairs

Kentrell: you bitch throws Kylie against the cabinet

Kylie: KENTRELL STOP crying

Kentrell: grabs her and chokes her against the pantry

Kylie: struggling to breath and grabs a pan and hugs him with it crying

Kentrell: let's go of her and gets hit by the pan

Kylie: falls to the ground and runs to the door to the stairs

Kentrell: catches her and throws her against the fireplace goes to her and starts punching her

Kylie: kentrell your hurting me stop HELP HELP PLEASE crying

Kd: starts running downstairs with Ben

Ben: WOAH WOAH tries to get kentrell away from Kylie's


Kentrell: manee you bitch ass hoe

Kylie: crying I just want what's best for you I love you

Kentrell: well I don't love to ass

Kd: Kylie what happened

Kylie: crying Stormi came running to me and told me he was drinking leen and Stormi took it from him and gave it to me and I threw it at the front door and he started pushing me against stuff and started choking me so I hit him with a pan

Kentrell: get the fuck off me tries to go to Kylie

Ben: run run fast and get out this house now we can't hold him for long

Kylie: I'm not leaving my kids here with him while he's in this state of mind runs upstairs Stormi Stormi go wait for me downstairs

Stormi: mommy crying you bleeding

Kylie: just go wait for me by the door baby crying

Stormi: okay runs downstairs

Kylie: gets Aaliyah and goes downstairs and sees Stormi looking at kentrell and crying baby

Stormi: mommy why we leavin daddy

Kylie: cuz he's mad and it's not safe come on

Kentrell: it's only not safe for you bitch I won't put my hands on my kids crazy ass bitch

Kylie: go outside and take your sister

Stormi: okay mommy goes outside

Kylie: why would you do this to me I love you so much and I know you love me but how do you expect me to love you after you did this to me my daughter shouldn't have to be asking me why I'm bleeding and why we are leaving I'm sorry but just stay out of our lifes for a while bye walks out the door crying

Kentrell: I don't give a fuck let me go im not after her nomo how's upstairs and lays in bed

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