Part 1

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Warning : English is not my first language so sorry if it's confusing ! 😅

Warning 2: One-shot wrote with the help of an AI.

Hey everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D

And to celebrate this new year, here's the first part of a Lil' Lucifer AU one-shot that I wrote with the help of a AI and which take place in camodiel's Forsaken AU! ^^

Hope you'll all gonna like it! ^^


It was a late night at "The Tuneful Nightingale", one of the most popular bars in Inkwell Isle.

A peaceful and joyful ambiance was in the establishment, an ambiance encouraged by the soft music of the band on stage as the customers were happily wandering at their occupations.

It was the kind of atmosphere that Aya Luckystar liked with this bar.

A perfect atmosphere for a poker night, a poker night she will win without a doubt.

After all, she wasn't known as "Fortuna" for nothing.

" nice..." Aya licked her lips with a smile after taking another sip from her glass of white wine.

She stared at the other players around the game table, all of them focused on their deck, not paying any attention to her expression.

It wasn't like it was going to be of any use, it didn't matter what her face reflected, the winner was already known and they knew it.

The only thing that matters is how much cash she will take home tonight.

Inkwell Isle has many casinos and gambling establishments where "Fortuna" was a frequent visitor, so she knew almost every card games and knew how to win at said card games.

And all that thanks to a bit of "luck".

Luck? Yes, luck. Luck to make money. If you have enough of it, then making cash becomes so easy.

Not even a casino's security can stop you.

But a lot of people don't understand why some people are sometimes lucky when others are less, or why some people are just unlucky.

But in Aya's case? Luck was her biggest and most powerful weapon! Whatever she does, Lady Luck is in a good mood and Aya always succeeds.

She was just outrageously lucky and not just with her actions but also with her looks with her shiny golden hair, her eyes as blue as the sea, her perfectly hourglass shaped body and porcelain skin.

A bunch of physical traits which were very present among her family members, as well as the habit to always succeed in whatever they decide to do.

You could guess that the Luckystar family were known to be "blessed with luck".

Well, that's why they were called the "Luckystars".

So...what did Aya want to do tonight?

Well, she wanted to play a little bit more, no big deal. She will win anyway.

As she was focusing on her cards, wondering what she will do with her win of tonight, something get her attention, at the bar counter, "luckily" right beside her table game.

Two male toons were at the counter, which wasn't surprising since a good majority of Inkwell Isle's population was anthropomorphic animals and objects.

But something about those two men seemed... off...

They were both sheeps, lambs specifically, one had a cream colored fur with amber eyes and was wearing a dark red suit, while the other one, the tallest of the two, had a fluffier fur colored with a lighter shade than his companion's, his eyes were brown and was wearing a brown suit.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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Lil's Lucifer/Forsaken AU one-shot: The Lucky MortalWhere stories live. Discover now