Goodbye Old Life, It wasn't Fun

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Something told me today was gonna be a very weird day....

Getting up for school was one thing I hated. For one, it's too early in the morning to have my brain working, two the people are annoying, and three I have to go five days a week for seven hours straight.

"A mail came for you," my mother spoke right when I stepped down the stairs. I raise an eyebrow and take the envelope from here. The top right corner stated 'Adelai High' "What's this?" I ask her. She smiles brightly, "Your acceptance letter". I'm once again confused, "I don't remember applying for another school especially mid-year," I replied to her. She shrugs, I check the time and rush out the door letter still in hand. The bus pulls up and I get on. Once I sit in the front of the bus somewhere, I rip it open....

Dear student,

We are pleased to inform you that You have been accepted into Adelai high school.....

I grazed the rest of the paper stating how books, dorms, and food are provided. It also said something about safety. I just stuff the paper into my bag somewhere and finally put in my AirPods. I don't know how much time passed until we got to the school. I put my AirPods away and waited til everybody got off before I got off because they rush off the bus like the school buildings going somewhere. If it were who would want to run to it anyways? But anywho After I got off the bus I went to wait in line til I went through the line detector which is another thing I hate.

I went straight to the library. "Good Morning," a voice called making me whip my head around. "Oh, You scared me lowkey." I paused "but Good Morning." Lily smiles "I'm sorry," she said but I wave her off "It's okay." I sit at the table with her. "Is Angela coming today" I asked her "I'm not sure she didn't reply to the groupchat" she answers me and starts writing "What you writing?" I lean forward a little to see what she was doing "I'm studying" I sigh and lean back. You should take a break from studying sometimes you study to much." She looked at me again before replying "I'll be fine. We have a test coming up today." I didn't reply because who am I to argue plus she's really smart and tries her best so I'll let her have it. This time.

"Hey, sorry I'm late" Another voice speaks. "Hey Angela" Lily and I spoke simultaneously. This morning I got a letter" She said "What letter?" Lily asked her "an Accept-" before she could speak the bell rings. "We can talk about this at lunch, I have to go before Ms. Sims preaches to me about being late again" I got up and so did Lily. "Okay" Angela who never sat down replied and walked away first, me and Lily following her. When we walked out the library we went our separate ways.

Class was boring and now was lunch. I go straight to the Library because who eats school food? I go to our normal table and see Angela. "Hey where's Lily?" I ask her she shrugs "I don't know" "Okay" I walk to a random spot and start looking for a book. After getting that book and sitting down. One would think I'm about to read but no, I open my phone. The letter having been on my mind made me wonder. What the hell is a Adelai High? So I went to safari and looked for it.

Nothing. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late." I almost dropped my phone at the sudden voice "Hey Lily" Angels spoke "Hey, where were you?" I ask her "Test" she replied. She sat down "Now what happened earlier?" Lily asked "yah I wanted to ask but I was gonna wait for Lily" I spoke "I was gonna wait til Lily came to say. But anyways I got this acceptance letter" Angela spoke pulling out a letter. "Oh, I have that to." I go to dig in my bag and pull out the letter. And I look up to see Lily doing the same. All our letters stating the same thing.

Dear student

We are pleased....

"I'm going" Angela spoke "it's not a real school?" I said "it is" she replied to me "Wait it isn't?" Lily asked and started typing in her phone. "It's not popping up when you look it up." Lily said. Angela took out her phone and started typing. Soon enough she flipped her phone to show a school.. wait that wasn't a school. It was a castle with more castles. "How did you find that?" I ask her she opens the envelope. On it was written.

Adelai high for the supernatural

"Wait. Supernatural creatures aren't real though. Can I see your phone?" I put my hand on her phone and blacked out....

Muffled voices was heard as a scenery was shown. It had 3 girls one leaning on a tree sitting one to her left and one to her right. The voices got louder "....and I made a bracelet." The girl against the tree spoke. The images started getting clearer. Angela? "Oh I just had to fill fish tanks." Lily? "I don't even know why I'm here. I'm human." Was that me?

I popped up after that dream. What was that about? "Are you okay?" I look to my left to see Lily. "She's awake?" I look behind her by the door to see the nurse. "You fell asleep in the library do you get enough sleep at home?" The nurse asked me I nodded. "She's awake?" Another voice came. Angela. "Wait here for a second I'll be back." The nurse spoke

"That dream it felt real. A little to real." I spoke after the nurse left "what do you mean?" Lily asked "Like we weren't here we were at another school. You had to fill a tank? And Angela made a bracelet it was with leaves." I sat up quickly "woah, you should take it easy" Lily said "we should go to the school then. It could be a sign" Angela spoke "I want to go" Lily said "Why?" I asked her "If it has supernatural creatures I have to go. Especially if there's a chance I could be one of them." I stare at her before saying "say they are real. What if a Vampire just drinks your blood? Then boom." I said it got quiet before Angela replied "we'll be safe there. They even had a whole thing in safety. You don't have to go if you don't want to" I just know I'm not going to get anywhere with them not about this at least. "Fine. I'll go. Y'all can't leave me here alone." I just knew I couldn't be here alone. Nope. Not today. "good it wouldn't be the same without you" Lily said "yeah we would miss you" Angela said

The door opened and seeing as it wasn't the nurse I got curious. It was the principal and some lady. "Hello, I am Ms. Hallow the principal at Adelai High school" she introduced herself. "Hello" we all spoke "I came to inform you myself that if you do apply you start tomorrow" she spoke "if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please be free to let me know early tomorrow morning. Mr. Gonzales will help you on your way to school." She strutted out.

"That was weird." I said "it was" Lily agreed. Angela stayed quiet. She was definitely hiding something. I don't know it's just a feeling.

The nurse came back in a little moments later. And to nobody's SURPRISE it was the end of the school day "why weren't you two in class?" Lily spoke up first. "It was a make up test. So instead of roaming the halls I stayed in here til you woke up." I nodded "makes sense. I said once I realized the book she was holding. The title was all to familiar. It was twilight. "I came because my teacher wasn't here. And we had no sub." "This school just doesn't care anymore" I replied to Angela's Response. We didn't talk anymore as we made our way to our buses.

Getting home. I talked to my parents. Guess I am going to this Adelai place....

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