I see you

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"'l heard this word before," P'lei continued, "from the Sky People in the south: Loco. It means crazy, doesn't it? Reading your energy, it about describes you. Loco, Lo'ak... get it? Hear the resemblance?"

Sure do, I thought with amusement.

"But—" Lo'ak began confusedly, but P'lei was already rumbling on and on about her genius new nickname. He rolled his eyes. "Ok, I guess it's better than Low Ox."

Soon, he'd left to meet Tsireya's Tulkun, leaving P'lei and I by ourselves.

He's a good kid, you know. She told me. I shrugged. I guess.

It's okay to like him.

I don't.

Your feelings prove otherwise.

I glared at her. Stop trying to read my emotions! You're making things up now. It was obvious she was just trying to cause some drama.

As if reading my mind, she added, You might think I'm trying to cause drama.... which to be fair, sounds like something I would do, but you can't deny these feelings forever. Y/N, you have to do something about them. He's also going through a rough time. He needs you. You must help guide him. Though, he'll have to figure out the rest on his own.

I decided I'd had enough Tulkun wisdom for the day and swam to join my sister.

Where's Lo'ak? I signed, seeing he was nowhere to be seen. He said he wanted to go meet my sister's Tulkun. (Of course he did. He probably had a crush on Tsireya, for all I knew).

I thought he was with you? she asked. I shook my head, then was struck with realization. He went to find Payakan! Of course! All of us were here meeting our Tulkun brothers and sisters, so he wanted to go find his.

You don't think...? Tsireya questioned, thinking along the same lines. I nodded. He's definitely with Payakan.

We passed by Ao'nung and asked him which direction he went.

You lost the forest boy? He asked, unamused, but pointed us in the right way. He and Rotxo joined our search.

I know where they usually meet. Follow me. I instructed. We got farther and farther away from the other Na'vis and Tulkuns. His presence was still strong in the area, and soon Payakan's was, too. I was right!

Spotting the two having fun in the open, we hid within a leafy water garden, which offered camouflage as we kept an eye on them.

What's he saying? Tsireya asked as Lo'ak surfaced to sit on Payakan's fin. I shushed the others and strained to listen.

"Tell me. Why are you outcast?" Lo'ak was asking. We watched as Payakan threw him off, swam a lap, and stop directly in front of him. Lo'ak made a puzzled hand motion.

I suddenly realized with a jolt, Payakan was going to show him. And to do that, they had to bond.

I watched intently as Payakan opened his ginormous mouth welcomingly to Lo'ak. Have you ever seen a giant creature like that open their mouth and INVITE you to swim inside? Despite being a Na'vi, I would swim fast in the other direction. Between being fish food and living, I'd choose living. And knowing Payakan's reputation, who knew? He could swallow Lo'ak easily. Disgusting, yes, but you know what was even more disgusting? What the inside of his mouth must've smelled like! I watched P'lei eat, like, an entire population of fishies in a single gulp. Yuck. Talk about fish breath!

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