0: March Han

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"Hey, look over here," said Tadashi, pausing his walk and gesturing towards his left: the Golden Gate Bridge ablaze in the sinking orange sun. Cast in the light, his eyes glimmered like honey.

Fuck, he's cute. 

"Okay class, for our first project, Visual Identity, you will begin by conceptualizing your own company," announced Professor Lee-Yang. "The success of a company is largely dependent on creating a distinctive visual code: typography, color palette, shape language, you name it." She tapped the board, flipping to the next slide: a red truck with white swirls spiraling along its back. "Can anyone name the company it represents?"

Coca cola, murmured the seminar of nine. 

"That's right. Coca-cola. Even without the name plastered across the front, it's immediately recognizable. That's the kind of visual identity you want to create for your company. Got it?"

March tipped her head back, staring into the jade-tiled ceiling. What was the company that she wanted to create? She scrunched her eyebrows, willing the creative juices in her head to start squirting, coming up with... nothing. Note to self: go to sleep before sunrise, March thought to herself.

"... and I want you and your partner to come in with the preliminary brainstorm for your company this Thursday."

March's eyes widened as she watched pairs of students file out of the room, a blur of colors. Was she supposed to pair up with someone?

A tap on March's shoulder. March swerved around to find herself face-to-face with boy with dark hair tucked beneath a sports cap. An SFIT logo emblazoned his mint green blazer. What's an SFIT student doing in SFAI?

"Hey. Umm... do you have a partner?" he asked. 

"That's what I was wondering too," March laughed. 


"Of course."

The boy visibly sighed in relief. "Sorry, I feel kind of out of place... it's my first time at the Art Institute."

"You don't say," said March, gesturing at his blazer with a smirk. 

"Yeah... that's pretty obvious, huh," the boy said, digging his face into his palms. He glanced up at March sheepishly. "I'm Tadashi."

Tadashi? Where have I heard that name before?

"Nice to meet you SFIT Tadashi. I'm March," she grinned.

Professor Lee-Yang began to move towards the exit after flipping off the projector. 

"Maybe we should move this convo outside?" suggested Tadashi.


Tadashi unfolded out of his chair, hauling his leather backpack over his shoulder. March noted his outfit: his blazer was layered over a cream cardigan, complementing his broad shoulders and athletic build. To March's surprise, Tadashi towered over her at full height; March was used to being the taller one, at five foot eight. 

March and Tadashi turned out of the classroom and down the Eastern Design Hall: a study space accented with buddhist-inspired design motifs and bean bags embroidered like mooncakes. Seeing that the study spaces were all taken, March led Tadashi further to the skywalk: a sleek glass walkway that arched over SFAI's East Wing and would lead them to SFAI's central campus. 

It was blinding. As the two stepped through the sliding door, sunlight immediately flooded their senses, and it took a moment for their visions to adjust to the overwhelming view from all sides of the walkway: a 360 degree view of San Fransokyo. 

Tadashi Hamada x OC Fanfic: A New AngleWhere stories live. Discover now