𝑺𝟑/𝟎𝟏: 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆

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_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

I love you. That was it. There it was. He said it, and I said it back. Andromeda was in turmoil, but Austin and I were on a different planet. We were in each other's arms, sharing kisses, holding turtle doves, sniffing scents of vanilla and musk, while Damian had his fingers tangled up in his few strands of hair.

When I pulled back, Austin smiled at me. It was the kind of smile you'd expect to see. Full of love, sparkling, and not because of the chandelier on the reception ceiling, or the flickering Christmas lights. It was his own spark. From his own heart.

What happened after?

"Ottilie Crawford!" Damian yelled at the top of his lungs. He had me, Holly, and Oliver shivering in our shoes, and thus the suffering began. Too much money went into the renovation of Andromeda's reception hall. The gold-plated handrails spiraling around the staircase were bashed by the Christmas tree, which Kevin threw Julian against- speaking of Julian, he hasn't been around ever since the incident.

Austin says it's so unlike Julian, but I'm praying it stays that way.

Alright, you're all wondering the same thing... What happened to baby Priscilla?

"We're taking her home, when Damian's a lot more- you know, calm." Holly told me and Austin before leaving through the back emergency doors with Oliver and the maxi cosi.

They came back the next day, leaving Priscilla to Maria in her new house for some time, while we had a busy, and very Damian-heavy week at Andromeda. He breathed down our backs, especially mine. "How could you be so unprofessional?", "I'm being sued thanks to your unprofessionalism!" and "I can't believe an eight year old tricked you!" Are only a few of the things he's been repeating to me.

Austin's been trying to make me feel better about myself, telling me; "You're not stupid, Kevin's just- Kevin was too intelligent."

But alas, I still have to pay for my mistake. At least I still get to see Kevin every now and then... At court, where he mostly tries to manipulate the judge with questions like; "Do you really think an eight year old could trick a hotel like that? I don't think so..."

"Well, how did you do it then?" The judge asked him, intrigued by the confidence that was oozing off of the little blond boy standing on a stool behind the lectern.

Shrugging, "It was my dad that told me to do it." Kevin said.

The entire court room gasped in sync, while his parents froze with wide eyes. It seems like Kevin will never stop getting into mischief...

While the lawsuit reached a new level, Andromeda was gradually altering to its original state. News reports and papers eventually stopped talking about the fiasco, and Damian was happy to see new guests arrive. Dollar signs were appearing in his pupils, and some color was returning to his face.

As for Sanne and Mees, they took their flight back to The Netherlands, but not before helping us out with one last thing-

- "Are you taking good care of our daughter, and is it hard being a single dad? You haven't been writing me back... Much love, Oliva." Sanne read the note.

Yes, another note written in Dutch. Oliver found it shoved between the seam of the window in the employee's room, and this time it was signed.




"Three!... Two!... One!"

We counted down from ten, welcoming 2023 into our lives. This was the beginning of my first year with Austin. We held hands and connected our lips under fireworks. The red, orange, green, and purple lights casted a colorful hue across Austin's beaming face.

"I love you." He told me.

I laughed, "I love you too."

Austin brought his arm around my waist, pulling me in and shamelessly latching his lips on the cold skin under my ear. He sinked his teeth in the flesh, making it red and plump, before holding the collar of my sweater down and dragging his tongue across my neck. "And I love this." He said, smirking against my jaw.

That's when i realized what I got myself into. This year is going to be the year of immense love... and immense fucking.

_________ ׂׂૢ་༘


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Austin can't take his hands off Ottie,
and he's a part of The Priscilla Project.

Holly and Oliver want to solve
the mystery of Oliva.

Hugo and Olga have an announcement!

Please don't forget to vote<3

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