Prologue: Showdown in Pewter City

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It was late evening and a young, 5 year old girl was with her 10 year old, older brother outside, cleaning and brushing the boy's Onix.
The youngest looked a bit down and asked her brother, "Hey Brock? Do you think I could have a Pokemon soon too? Maybe for my birthday..??".
Brock looked at his sister and chuckled, answering her question after a few seconds of thinking. "Well Avery, maybe not this birthday. But maybe when you're older you'll get a Pokemon as well."

Avery's eyes sparkle with excitement as she quickly runs to the bench, where her backpack is, and fished out here Pokemon book she got for her recent birthday. Running back to her older brother, she flipped through the pages and stops at a specific electric mouse Pokemon. "Is it possible for me to maybe get this Pokemon please...?? It's so cute and I'm interested in it's type!" Avery suggests with a bright grin of excitement, while showing Brock the suggested Pokemon.

"Are you sure you want that specific Pokemon? It's a hard one to take care of." He explained trying to be reasonable with his little sister but she quickly answered his question.
"Yes... I know our family is known for rock types like your Onix, but I really want this one in the future. I just know it would be a great partner. And I'll take really good care of it, I promise!"

Without a doubt, Avery really wanted that Pokemon.
After a few seconds of silence, Brock smiles and pets her head affectionately.
"Alright then, I'll see what I can do for you to get that Pikachu."


5 years later

Avery, along with her partner Sparks, a female Pikachu, walks to the Pewter Gym to check up on Brock. Opening the doors, she quickly walks up to the stands to watch the battle her brother's having.
The Challenger,a boy who seems to be around her age, has black wild hair with a white and red baseball cap on his head. A black t-shirt with a blue and white short sleeved jacket, light blue pants and white and black sneakers.

He was battling Brock's Onix with a Pikachu who was currently wrapped up with its opponents tail, not being able to move or even breathe by the the looks of it. 'What is that guy thinking? He should forfeit the match before his Pikachu gets seriously hurt.'

"Pika..." Sparks also seems to get worried while watching the battle unfold.

"Pikachu, Thunder Shock!" The Challenger told his Pokemon. But it didn't affect Onix at all, making its bind tighter on the small Pikachu.

"You haven't raised it very well. Such a weak electric attack, can't hurt Onix." Brock explained.
Avery knew it all too well, she lost many times against her brother in the past. Now, she's able to hold the battle longer than usual after powering up her Pikachu.

The Trainer tried to return Pikachu to its PokeBall but it was useless due to the electric mouse still being bind by the rock type. "Cut it out!" He shouted, seeing his partner in pain.

"Do you surrender?"

"... I do.."

Avery felt bad, knowing how it feels like to lose, she knew that it isn't easy to beat Brock. He is a gym leader after all.

Seeing the boy leave the gym, Avery quickly follows him, with Sparks on her shoulder, and calls out to the Trainer. "Hey, wait a second..!"

The ravenette turned around to find her reaching him. "Huh..? What is it?"

The brunette, after catching up, looked at him and his Pikachu, wanting to help them.

"I saw you battle the gym."

The boy's eyes widen for a second but then he looks down to his Pikachu in his arms, who is unconscious.

"Here, I'll help your Pikachu. Follow me." Avery started to walk, the new trainer following her with confusion.

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