why u need a best friend

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angels pov

 A best friend has many meanings. For example dictionary says that best friend is a persons closest friend, but for me best friend is a person, who is there for u at anytime in life but also can make u smile even in ur moms funeral.

I'm luky with my best friend. Yes, we had our fights, but mostly we got over them pretty much in the same hour or so, the longest fight was probably for like 3h because I wanted to play with toys that she got for her birthday and she won't let me, but it was fine we huged it out and forgot about it so it's all chill.

But to answer the question ''why u need a best friend'' is simple: You need a person who will be just funny around u, all the time even when other pepole think, that they are not a person, that just maches ur enery whenever u two are together, the person that u will trust with enything in ur life.

sofy pov

For me a best friend is everything. Like my best friend said up there in her pov: It has to be a person, you share everything with, your darkest secrets, your funiest stories, just everything. It's the person you trust more than anything, you know them better than yourself, you say that you hate your best friend, but actually, you can't live without a best friend, because no one can.

A best friend is a person you trust your heart, life and everything. You help them when they're in trouble, and you can ask for your best friend's help anytime and they will be there for you, even if it's middle of the night.

Well yeah sometimes we fight with best friends, but that's totally normal, because only robots don't fight. We all are humans and we have emotions, thoughts and opinions what sometime's just isn't the same with someone's elses opinions.

If my friends will know all my memories and stories, my best friend is the one that makes the stories and memories with me, because life can't be complete without a best friend. Life is useless if there isn't someone you can share it with, you have to share with your best friend everything you can.

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