Chapter 6-The Truth of her Past

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A/n: I want to say thank you to HooriyaKhuram. I enjoy reading your comments! This chapter is dedicated to you! It will probably answer your answer on her parents. Hope you like it!

She turned around and smiled softly. Slowly, her hands went around his neck and she placed her lips against Izana's soft ones.

- I love you, she breathed against his lips.

- I love you too.

And then they kissed again.

Your still telling the story

After that day, Izana and Y/n made it official that they were dating. They were some people in the castle that didn't like the idea of a commoner and a prince dating. But they didn't have any choice but to accept it. A few days later, they had their first date as a couple, Izana took her to a small picnic under the night sky. It was really romantic as they fed off each other with cakes and fruits.

Everyone in the palace was able to see a difference in the first prince. Normally he would be cold to everyone, but Y/n changed him, she was able to melt his cold heart. They were both madly in love with each other and never left each other's side. After a year living in Clariness, Y/n started to think about her past, her parents. Does she have siblings? Who were her parents? Where was she born? All these questions never left her mind. One day, she decided to leave the beautiful palace, her lover and her friends and travel. She wanted to travel around the world and maybe, maybe find out about her real, biological parents.

No need to say, Izana was heart broken, he didn't want Y/n to leave him. It took a long time for Y/n to make Izana change his mind. It took a few days to make sure she was ready. The first prince, the second prince, Kiki and a few guards set her off, tears in their eyes.

Small break from the story

- Give me a few minutes, please. I need to do something for the end of the story, I said getting up.

I search in my bags to find a small see-through bottle full of a white liquid. I opened the bottle and poured the liquid in the palm of my hand. When I had enough, I put it in my hair and made sure it covered all of it. Kiki and Shiruyaki looked at me in horror, scared for my hair, while the boys just looked curious.

- You will see why I did that when I finish the story.

They nodded as I sat down. I took a small breath and started talking again.

Back to the story

Y/n walked. At first, she didn't really know where she was going. She walked through Tanbarum, Majind and a few other kingdoms. After two years of travels, she still hasn't found anything. So she decided to take a last stop in the kingdom of Salam before going back to Clariness. To her surprise, she learned that seventeen years ago, the royal family had a child. But for unknown reasons, they gave her to a family in Clariness. At that moment, she discovered. Her parents didn't want someone so different from them. She had e/c, no one in their family had such a colour in five generations. And her hair! From the day it showed, she was forced to hide it. Her parents had black hair but she didn't. They didn't like this. Their daughter didn't look like them at all.

When she finally knew the truth about her biological parents, something in her opened. She wanted to see them, to talk to them. Just to see what they looked like. And so, she asked for a meeting with them. Unfortunately, she had to wait.

So she waited, waited. After ten months, she was still in the town. And then, it happened. As if the whole world was against her, both her parents died, assassinated. When she learned the bad news, she felt something old. Her bloodlust that she was able to forget about these last three years came back. She wanted revenge on those who killed her parents before she got the chance to see them. She tracked them and when finally, she found their group, she took her weapons and killed them all. Not leaving any traces, she left the place and got back to the small apartment she rented.

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