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"Wakey-Wakey prince-bitch." The gruff voice of Bakugo spoke as he once again pulled open the curtains, allowing the morning sun to flow into the large bedroom. It's heat radiating even from outside.

"Mmm not again!" Shoto whined, covering his sensitive eyes with his hands.

"Yes again, it's 9:30. We're going for a walk today. So wear something comfortable." Not giving his friend the chance to protest, the blond left the room. Leaving the doors open.

"Not a walk!" Shoto groaned at his unfortunate fate.


"I AM UP!"


No matter how often they bantered like this, it never got any more tolerable. 'Ugh I hate this...' The prince complained in his mind as he tore himself away from the fluffy white sheets. Stepping into his closet he took a while to choose, and even then he wasn't satisfied!

"What the fuck is taking you so long hah?!" A voice came from the entrance of the large closet. Todoroki jumped, before realizing who it was.

"Ah Katsuki. I can't decide on what to wear." He admitted sheepishly, rubbing his neck.

"Move." Shoving his 'boss' to the side the blond rummaged around for a bit. Picking up an article of clothing here and there before setting the items on the ottoman in the corner of the closet.

"Now hurry up and get dressed." Bakugo left the boy alone to investigate the chosen outfit.

It was breathable, which was good for a walk

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It was breathable, which was good for a walk.

'Katsuki is most likely gonna wear his usual attire.' Shoto thought to himself. He paired the outfit with some dark brown boots.

He chose these ones in particular because they were already pretty worn, making it so that it didn't matter if he dirtied or roughed them up a bit during his walk

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He chose these ones in particular because they were already pretty worn, making it so that it didn't matter if he dirtied or roughed them up a bit during his walk.

Once again he glanced at the crown on his way out. The temptation to put it on was overwhelming but he resisted nonetheless.

Leaving the room he thought for a bit before quickly running back inside. Rummaging through a particular wardrobe he found his messenger bag. On walks like these the prince enjoyed picking flowers and other plants so he could dry and display them later.

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