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max pulled up outside the hotel. his heart was racing so fast he had no idea how to slow it down. he sat in his car waiting for it to be 8:03 so he didn't seem too eager.

he texted chris asking if it was best for him to come up or tell nick to come down. chris told him to come up.

so that's what he did.

he was parked in a loading zone for employees out the front so he was allowed to leave his vehicle. he composed himself in the car before he started to go up stairs.

he was so excited but he felt like he was about to shit his pants. he didn't know what to do with himself. he didn't know where to put his hands, hyper aware of how he was standing. he wasn't even in the same room as nick and he was a mess.

when the elevator doors opened he felt his stomach drop to the soles of his feet. he fixed his jacket before he started to walk down the hall, the sound of his black healed shoes clicking and clacking as he walked.

when he was met with the door, he froze for a moment, re-thinking everything he's done in the past 2 weeks. he's reunited with the "long lost love" of his life and he's fallen for him again. his brother knows and remembers him but he doesn't. and now he's going on a date with him, where he's supposedly going to confess to nick about their childhood romance.


max shook off all the nerves and before he could chicken out he knocked on the door. he waited tensely for what felt like hours but in reality was only a few seconds. he stared intensely at the wooden door, it's wobbly pattern starting to form tormenting faces. picking anxiously at the side of his fingers, he could almost hear the voices of his thoughts.

"nick, it's max." max heard a muffled voice speak through the wood. he feels like he's about to vomit as his stomach flips and flops inside.

the door opens and max is met with chris who is wearing a white singlet and grey tracksuit pants, his classic look.

"hey max!" chris says cheerfully.

"hey chris. i'm here to pick up nick." he smiles awkwardly. he's never done this before.

"he'll be just one second." chris smiles slyly. they stand in an awkward silence for a couple seconds before max sees nick walk up behind chris.

oh my fucking god. nick looks amazing. he doesn't know whether it's his nerves or the fact that nick is getting dress up for him but he looks so much more attractive than he usually does.

nick and max meet eyes, a red blush forming on both their faces almost instantly. chris can't help but smirk as the two interact.

"hey max." nick says sweetly.

"hey nick, you ready to go?" max asks.

"sure am." nick steps out of the room and next to max. he turns to look back at his two brothers who are both leaning on either side of the door frame.

"cya guys." nick smiles at his brothers.

"byeee, have fun." matt says sweetly.

"but not too much fun." chris jokes, matt nudges him jokingly, making chris laugh. nick and max roll their eyes and chuckle before walking down the hall.

it was quiet between the two, neither of them knowing who was gonna break the silence first. but nick eventually took it upon himself to do it.

"you look amazing." nick says to max as they wait for the elevator.

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