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*Ethan's POV*

"Hey watch it" i said as someone bumped into me,he turned around and it happened to be Leo.

"I'm sorry princess,"he said, giving me a witty grin

I rolled my eyes"You're late"

"Look who's talking"he chuckled,I shook my head and as we entered we saw Jane running towards us I grabbed her before she ran past me,she looked  afraid and was panting trying to catch her breathe,looking down to her right hand seeing a knife stained with blood I looked at her frightened 

"What did you do?"

"What did you think I did?" she chuckled released her hand and ran away.

Leo's expression mirrored mine as we looked at each other in disbelief and sprinted to the hall

"She was holding a knife" someone said in disbelief and gasped as the students had started gossiping,everyone was huddled up beside Sylvia's locker.

"I can't believe she did that" someone said

 we spotted Ace and a very shaken Lily,we walked up to them.

"What happened ?" Leo asked

"Jane slit Sylvia's wrist"Ace said.


"Clinic" he didn't wait for me to complete my sentence 

"Wh..why did s..she do t.that?" Lily asked completely confused

No one answered they just looked at me,I looked away and headed towards the clinic where I heard two people arguing in the waiting room,I opened the door and to no surprise I saw Sylvia and Jack.

" You are just a friend, you can't tell me what to do, I'm going"Sylvia said, trying to get out,she saw me and stopped.

"What's going on?How are you?" I took her hand and looked at her wrist which was bandaged.

"She's fine, the cut wasn't that deep" Jack said

"Thank goodness,what's going on?"

"I'm going to look for answers?"


"She thinks Jane was blackmailed into killing her"Jack said

"I know she was blackmailed,that's why I need to go ask Jane"

"You're not going anywhere"Jack growled "She wasn't blackmailed"

"Why did she do it then?,why would she?"She used her hand to brush her hair, "I should go and ask her,maybe she is in trouble"

"Jesus Sylvia why….."

"I know why she did it"I cut Jack off,Sylvia needs to know.

"You do?"she asked completely confused

"Yeah you do?"Jack asked in an completely different tone

"Jack, can I speak to Sylvia alone so I can explain to her?"Jack looked at me before walking out.

"What's going on Ethan?"



I finished explaining everything to Sylvia and she just looked at me, her expression was not clear.

"So you….." she stopped trying to pick her words carefully. "And you tell me this now?" she looked at me,she was hurt really hurt "I thought we were supposed to be best friends"

"We are"

"What kind of friend hides things like this ugh?!" she said angrily.

"I was trying to protect you"

"Protect me!!" She said even more annoyed "I need time to think about this" she walked away,leaving me behind,Jack walked in and sighed.

"It didn't go well did it?"

I sighed "No it didn't,but I didn't tell her you knew about it,so she won't get upset with you,watch out for her would you?"

"You know I dislike it when I hang out with Sylvia when she is in an bad mood"

I shrugged "You have no choice"

He rolled his eyes and walked away.

*Sylvia's POV*

It's lunch time and still I haven't seen Ethan,not that I care, I sat beside Lily,she looked at me and sighed, I still couldn't digest the whole Jane revenge thing and I'm sure ever since I told Lily she couldn't believe it too.

"Life is so dark that the people you call your best friend could lie to you and.."

"Try to kill you"Lily completed and sighed. "I promise Sylvia I would never lie or try to kill you,If I do,shave my hair"

I chuckled and took a bite of her sliced apple "Sure". 

"So what now?" she picked up an apple slice

"I don't know,we live our normal life,the school has already contacted the police and they are looking for Jane now" I looked up and saw Jack,Leo and Ace walking towards us.

"Sylvia, you okay?" Ace asked, I looked at him and smiled.

"A little" Jack sat down beside me and placed his arms around my waist.

"How could she be okay?, I mean look at this face" he squeezed my cheeks "Does this look like the face of someone who is okay?"

"Let go twit" I shoved his hands away, Ace and Leo sat down and chuckled.

Jack sighed "Make sure you forgive Ethan, he did it for you, you know"he said seriously.

"I never said I wouldn't, I just need more time" It wasn't a like I was willing to forgive him but not immediately. "You knew about it too right?,all of you"

Jack looked down,did he really think I wouldn't know. 

"Yes,how did you know?"Leo asked.

"Ethan can't keep a secret unless someone else knows,don't worry i know he would have made you promise not to tell me"

Jack looked at me and patted my head "We're still going for that driving lesson today".

Jack looked serious as they headed back to class,he took Sylvia and Lily to the class they were having before heading to his with Ace and Leo.

"Jack are you okay?" Leo asked.

"Find Jane before the police do" was all he said

W/n:I'm so... I don't even know where to begin,yes I know  I haven't updated for an long time and I'm so sorry, I will do my best to make it up to you till next chapter which I would try to make today,I love you,thanks for all your support and Happy new year.

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