𝒊𝒗. don't trust nobody

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four. don't trust nobody

            COLONEL QUARITCH—THE MAN THAT ASSIGNED JAKE'S MISSION—LAUGHED. He questioned the Sully man, repeating his report, "'Jarhead clan?' And it worked?" A hint of disbelief laced in his voice as he gazed at Jake.

      Jake replicated the grin on Colonel's face, wavering his hands out and slightly shrugging, "hey, I'm practically family. They're gonna study me. I have to learn to be one of them," The Colonel patted the man on the back, stating how he was taking the initiative and wanted more men like Jake.

      Selfridge called out, "look, Sully, Sully. Just find out what these blue monkeys want," The man said, referring to the Na'vi, "you know, I mean, w—we try to give them medicine, education, uh—roads. But, no, no, no, they like mud. And—and that wouldn't bother me, it's just that they're, uh," Selfridge paused, trying to conjure an image of hometree on the digital table they sat around, "hey, can you ... can somebody just–sector twelve."

      As the digital hologram skimmed through the forest of Pandora, Selfridge told the man to stop, and Jake observed the picture in front of him of Hometree. The place he was taken in by the Na'vi so they could study the dream walker—the first warrior sky person they'd met.

      "Their damn village happens to be resting on the richest unobtanium deposit within 200 klicks in any direction. I mean, look at all that cheddar," Selfridge laughed at his joke, his eyes wandering to Jake.

      The Sully man tilted his head and asked, "well, who gets them to move?" Jake knew the answer, hearing the Colonel's voice beside him telling him to guess. He chuckled, "what if they don't go?"

      Quaritch stood from where he leaned against one of the tables near and walked closer to Jake, a smirk presented on his face, "oh, I bet they will."

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