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"What did you guys talk about?" Questioned the angry blond when the father-son duo returned.

"Just catching up." Shoto said, choosing to not reveal the truth about their conversation.

"Got it." He nodded. Suddenly the music became louder and the guests began getting in position to dance with their partners, friends or otherwise.

Fuyumi smiled and asked Natsuo if she could have this dance. The siblings walked into the dance floor and began slow-dancing.

"Rei, may I have this dance?" Aizawa asked, extending a hand to the woman. She accepted graciously and they joined the others.

Now only Shoto and Katsuki remained. They stood in silence for a bit listening to the music. Bakugo took a deep breath and grabbed his boyfriend's hand.

"Wanna go dance?" It wasn't a formal request, nor was it typical to how you were meant to ask someone to dance. But to Todoroki it was perfect.

"Yes." He smiled at the blond.

They walked over to an empty space in the large room. Katsuki's left hand wrapped around Shoto's waist. The prince's right hand held onto the older's shoulder. Their remaining hands intertwined and they began to sway to the beat of the music.

As the tempo increased so did their movements. Shoto was twirled around and leaned back, they moved elegantly despite the rapid rhythm of the song.

"All those times we've dance together for no reason finally paid off eh?" The red-eyed male smirked.

The two-toned boy smiled, laying his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"I guess they did." He sighed, enjoying the moment. He could smell his butler's cologne, a mix of faint pine, orange blossom, and vanilla.

As the pair continued to dance, the guests slowly began to make more room for them. Watching as they danced from the sidelines.

Fuyumi and Natsuo watched as well, seeing how perfectly the two seemed to interact on the dance floor. It's like they had prepared this for a while.

Rei watched with a smile on her face, admiring her son. Aizawa had his arms crossed, eyes locked on Bakugo.

As the music began to fade away, the pair stopped moving and maintained eye contact. Shoto looked away, feeling weak under his boyfriend's almost animalistic gaze.

Using his fingers to tilt his head up, Katsuki resumed the eye contact but this time he leaned forward at the same time.

The rest of the Todoroki family watched in awe as the prince leaned in as well. Shouta watched skeptically, making sure the blond wasn't making Shoto uncomfortable.

Finally their lips collided, the room erupted in gasps and applause. People began whispering between each other, confirming the rumor had been true. But the couple ignored all that, focusing only on each other.

Separating, it finally clicked that the entire ballroom had been watching them. Embarrassment overtook the prince's face and he started walking towards his family. Bakugo let out a small chuckle and followed after him.

The guests soon resumed their original places, the topic of discussion still being the prince and his butler.

"Shoto, Shoto, Shoto..." Natsuo began, shaking his head playfully.

"Why didn't you tell us!?" Fuyumi exclaimed, still partially in shock.

"Because it happened like 10 minutes ago." Todoroki responded, fiddling with the hem of his sleeves. His siblings raised an eyebrow at this but then realization hit them.

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