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-𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥-

This is it. The day Shoto and Katsuki have been waiting for for the past three months. No one knew about the proposal save for Aizawa who definitely guessed it happened not long after the ball, and Snowy.

"My love it's time to get up." It didn't take long for the crude nicknames to turn sweet and caring. Besides, seeing the prince get all flustered was definitely worth it.

"Mm what time is it?" He questioned, not feeling as much sunlight filter through as he normally did. In fact, hand shielding his eyes, through his fingers he noticed the light was yellow with orange shades.

"It's 6:45 Shoto." Bakugo replied, preparing for the onslaught of questions and remarks about the atrocious wake up time.

"Katsuki...WHAT THE FUCK?!" The angry snowball threw his pillow in his fiancé's face.

You're probably wondering why they aren't sleeping in the same bed together, well where they're from it's tradition to wait until marriage to do that (among other things).

The blond laughed at his partner's mini temper tantrum. Before smiling and reminding him what was happening that day.

"Baby, it's our wedding day."




"My love?"



"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY." Jumping out of bed at the speed of sound he rushed to his closet, but not before pushing his future-husband out of the room.

"STAY OUT!" He yelled before running into the large room.

Katsuki just stood there in shock. Then he smiled and went into his own room. They had sent out cards a week ago to invite people to the wedding. Not many, just a fair few. Mainly their families, family friends, and people they trusted.

Which meant Midoryia coming, to Bakugo's great dismay.

And that meant Endeavor was coming, to Todoroki's great dismay.

Katsuki asked him why he was being invited in the first place. Shoto reminded him that his father was the one who paid for their palace. The life they were living wouldn't exist without him.

The prince was struggling to button his shirt and it was beginning to overstimulate him. Looking in this mirror he saw that for the 3rd time he had been off one button so the whole shirt was lopsided. That set something off in his mind and he tried to rip the shirt off his head to restart but it wasn't coming off. The buttons were digging into his forehead the more he pulled and eventually one snapped off rendering the article of clothing unusable for the big day.

That did help in removing it though, but now Shoto didn't know what to do. He tossed the useless garment to the side and started hyperventilating. This day was stressful enough without his shirt betraying him last minute. Anxiety started coursing through his veins and all his worries that he had suppressed started bubbling up to the surface.

'I don't have a shirt! I can't get married shirtless, the other ones I have aren't fancy enough! There's a tradition I have to follow for clothes...Katsuki is gonna be so mad when he learns I tore the shirt! Oh no no no he's gonna leave me, he's gonna hate me, is he gonna hit me like father would?'

He was panicking about everything and anything.

20 minutes like this went by and his fiancé was concerned because his family was arriving the prince was nowhere to be found.

The Moonlight Prince🌙Where stories live. Discover now