Love remains silent ig

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I was in my house alone  braxton has been  gone for a while, honsestly nothing much was happening. i stepped out on my way to the store and suddenly BONK  im hit on the head. I wake up i in a basement tied to a chair and duckt tape on my mouth. i see a weird figure walimg wards me and its..its..Pinkie pie!. She rips the tape from off my mouth, her lips grasing over mine. 

"Hi Asher UwU" pinkie said to me 

"Uh..hey?..W-what am i doing here-?"

"Youre here to be mine Ash" she looked with a lustful face

"what...Pinkie you do know im gay..and taken"

"not anymore Ashy washy...Braxton is well...lets just say he sould take some..swimming lessons.."

"You drowed braxton!? Pinkie-!"

"Im soryy kitten its just. Youre so handsome i think about you every night. In the shower, at the store, even when im touch-"

"okay stop. im not dating a horse who just killed my boy friend"

To make a super long story short pinkie peeld off his skin and sewed it to her 

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