The Meet Up!

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It was January 2nd and a beautiful day it was. Despite it being winter it felt extremely warm outside. Mafi had plans to meet up with their friend today. The night before Sarah had called Mafi saying they should meet up today and make up with their other childhood friend because that friend had came to Sarah crying, saying how much they missed Mafi. Mafi agreed to the meeting because they did miss them. They couldn't understand why they were separated in the first place. As Mafi was pondering how to greet them and how exactly should they interact with each other, they arrived at the meeting place. There they saw a beautiful hare humanoid with teal hair. That was them that was Clove, their childhood friend. It seems Mafi was the last to arrive. They could've swore they arrived about an hour early. Why where they there so early? Mafi walks up to greet him with a slight wave.

"Mafi! Ya really came! I thought for sure ya would ditch. I guess times really do change." Clove said with his arms crossed in front of him. Clove was wearing a track suit and his hair was pinned into a ponytail. That wasn't his normal style at all. Ignoring his hostility Mafi just shrugs and responds.

"I have never once stood anyone up and I am always early to meet ups. Therefore I have no idea what you are referring to, nor do I understand why are you being so hostile to me. To my knowledge I never did anything to you so explain to me. Why is it that you dislike me now?"
Mafi wasn't really the type to pick a fight but they did pressure to understand a situation that deals with them. They liked to live by the rule of if you were going to hate them then let them give you a reason to hate them. Mafi looks directly at Clove with their hands on their hips. They really wanted this to be a peaceful meet up. That idea seemed pretty stupid now. But wasn't it Cloves idea to meet?

Clove looked at Mafi knowing he was wrong. He let's out a sigh and puts his arm to his side.

"You're right. I was being hostile without an appropriate reason. I apologize. I'm not exactly ready to spill everything as to why I resent ya because I don't hate ya. I actually love ya. Very much. Won't ya allow me time to think of how to tell you please? In the meantime we could go out and look at town. Go anywhere ya want. Enjoy ourselves! So what do ya say?" Clove looked sincere as he spoke. Mafi couldn't tell any signs of if he was lying or not so they trusted him. That would later prove to be a mistake.

After agreeing with Clove. Mafi and Clove went around town dressing up, getting food and seeing a movie. They really did enjoy each other's company. They didn't even mind the passerbys that called them a couple. People approached them asking for pictures as if they were a celebrity or what not, they couldn't help but feed into it but after the photos they would be sure to tell them they really weren't celebrities. Well at least Mafi wasn't. No one could tell Clove was one because his celebrity counterpart is that of a female.

The day was almost over and Mafi was absolutely drained. They weren't used to that much attention it was too much for them. They sat down on a park bench to calm down. Clove left to get some refreshments for Mafi. While Clove was gone Mafi laid down and dozed off a bit, thinking about the day they just had. Clove wasn't bad to be around so he must have an explanation for the way they acted toward them right?

When Clove returned Mafi was fast asleep on the bench. He stood over her, staring. First he would gently rub her hair and then her face. He would then kiss her forehead before pulling out a syringe and stabbing Mafi in the chest with it. Mafi jumps up from the pain and looks up at Clove. The look on Cloves' face was that of both who absolutely hated someone to the point of wanting to murder and one in love. Mafi clasped their chest and tried to leap backwards from Clove. All because they dropped their guard around one they thought they could trust she was stabbed and injected with some unknown substance. Their whole body was going numb and fast. They sat down knowing their was nothing they could do and leaned against a tree.

"Who sent you? Why would you do this to me? Didn't you just claim to love me and yet you do this?" Mafi was hurt beyond tears. This was the person they knew since they were young, they literally just had a whole day together, and in the end he was able to do this to them. They started falling asleep. They weren't sure if they were dying or just going unconscious, whatever it was Mafi was determined to stay up.

"I wasn't sent by anyone. I'm doing this for my own interest. Ya don't know how much ya hurt me. It's because I love ya that I'm not going to kill ya. I'm just going to make ya live through hell with someone ya should be all too familiar with." Clove steps away from Mafi. Walking up behind Clove was a tall and lanky guy. Due to their hazy eyesight they couldn't really tell who it was that was until he spoke'

"I can't believe it. This really is the best birthday ever. That dumbass sister of mine set all this up and didn't even know. Lucky me you made this sort of enemy so capturing you was way easier than need be. However he was out of line. He touched you and kissed you. Something must be done about that. So my DARLING, how about you go ahead and sleep and I'll handle the rest. Sleep well my dear." the voice had said. It wasn't as if Mafi was listening to what he said. Mafi had lost all strength and could no longer fight back. They fell asleep. Before falling asleep Mafi heard the sound of someone getting sliced and a yelp. Then everything faded to black.

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