Kandi Kids!

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(I made this while I was still half regressed after being super sick, so if it's bad, that'd be why, also yes, little me does randomly write things because he too also has the creative braincell)

Little + unattended Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy. The three are left home alone and each regresses and they decide to make Kandi until Philza and Wilbur get back.

No One's POV:

Tommy sat up on his bed and rubbed his eyes, he got up and started walking out of his room while being met with Tubbo and Ranboo walking out of the guest rooms. "Ah, good morning guys!" Tommy grinned. Tubbo gave an annoyed look, clearly not wanting to be awake right now, while Ranboo gave him an equally large grin. "Good morning Tommy!" Ranboo responded. "Morning guys" Tubbo groaned. The three walked down the stairs to the kitchen and they saw Philza quickly gathering some of his stuff. "Phil? Where are you guys going?" Tommy asked. "Supply gathering. We figured we'd just leave you a note and head out, leave you three to do whatever here, I wanted to let you three sleep in and figured you guys would like to just hangout here rather than come with us" Phil answere. "Fine by me" Tubbo said while walking towards the fridge. "There's some stuff in the fridge and cabinets for breakfast, so whatever you guys want" Philza stated while packing up his bag. "Welp, see ya guys" Tommy said. Eventually Philza left, leaving the three to do whatever they wanted. Everyone made their own breakfasts and quickly ate their food. Tommy was the first to slip, it was rather obvious when he disappeared for nearly 7 minutes and came down in a different outfit and with containers of beads and elastic and a pacifier in his mouth. "Tubs, look" Ranboo pointed to the blond that had just ran down the stairs. "Hey Toms, you feelin small already?" Tubbo asked. Tommy smiled and nodded and plopped down onto the floor. He opened up containers of beads and paused. "Bo, can yous cut da string?" Tommy asked holding up the elastic and scissors. Tubbo walked over and measured out multiple bracelets worth of elastic and cut them to size so Tommy could continue working without having to ask for more string. "Thankies!" Tommy grinned. "Of course kiddo" Tubbo smiled back, ruffling Tommy's hair as he stood back up. Tubbo started walking back to the couch and noticed Ranboo was staring intently at the beads, but looked hesitant. "Boo, you ok?" Tubbo questioned. "Y-yeah- I kinda wanna make bracelets too..." Ranboo answered shyly. "Aw, are you feeling small too?" He continued his questioning. Ranboo nodded. "Alrighty, go ahead. Maybe change first if your clothes feel uncomfortable" Tubbo said. Ranboo nodded again and giggled as he ran up the stairs and ran back down in a different outfit a few minutes later. Ranboo sat down around the beads and Tommy handed his an elastic piece so he could make a bracelet too. "Thanks Toms!" Ranboo smiled. Tommy smiled back as best he could with his paci still in his mouth. The two boys continued working away and eventually finished, they ran up to Tubbo to show his their great work. "Bo!" Tommy shouted. "Tubs!" Ranboo also shouted. Tubbo looked up at the boys as they started showing off their bracelets. "Lookie lookie! Mine says tnt! And it's all red and white! Lookie lookie!" Tommy chanted happily. "I am looks Toms, and that's very cool." Tubbo responded. Tommy toddler away smiling and Ranboo went to show of their bracelet. "Look! Look!" Ranboo cheered. It was a simple black and white star bracelet and Ranboo couldn't help the large goofy grin that grew on his face. "Aw, that's very good Boo" Tubbo said. Ranboo proceeded to waddle back to his spot and join Tommy in making more bracelets. Tubbo himself started feeling a little small and walked upstairs and changed, then slowly walked back downstairs and sat down with the other boys, Ranboo handed him some elastic and the three continued working. By the time they had all finished, each had made over 10 bracelets and there had been beads spilt, but the three were suddenly too tired to clean it up. They all headed to the couch and cuddled up on it. "Tubs, your bein clingy agains" Tommy said. Tubbo chuckled a little. Tommy had his arms wrapped around Tubbo and was snuggled up to him. "Sure Toms" Tubbo responded. Ranboo had already started snoring and eventually the two other boys fell asleep too, when Philza got back, he was met with the sight of beads all over the living room floor and the three boys sleeping on the couch. Philza pulled out a camera and took a picture. "Fatherly magic." Philza laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2024 ⏰

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