Prologue Feliciano Vargas (The Mansion)

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Ciao, my name's Feliciano Venciano (Ven-chiano) Vargas, F.V.V for short. I'm sorry if I don't sound as cheerful as usual too those who know me. You see, if you hadn't noticed, I've been gone for quite a while. I'm fighting for me and my friends', life right now in The Mansion.

I think that we've been here for about a year. The thing is: I'm a Traveler. I'm supposed to know these things. But it's so easy to lose track of time in this place, and that is exactly what I do. I can't help it.

Right now my group is in our safe room, our retreat. If one of us needs a place to go this place is here. All we have to do is draw a clock on the wall and think about this room; say the words needed, and poof. We're going through the vortex and... well... traveling here through time.

There are two groups of travelers: England/Arthur's group, which I'm in, and France/Francis's group. In The Mansion there's no Axis or Allies. There is only the Cokur (Hate), the Coince (Love), and the trapped. The travelers. If you go on YouTube, you can see how Ludwig, Gilbert, Kiku, and I got trapped here. We got here first, and then the others became trapped.

When I first became a traveler I'd stopped my meds, and had many attacks. I have three things that are wrong with me. Thing one; I have MPD. My alter's name is Lucien. Thing two; I'm Chronomentrophobic. That basically means; I'm scared of clocks. The third thing is that I have something that is unrecognized by doctors. They're just calling it Temporary Insanity.

I'm not the only one on my group with this. Arthur Kirkland has it, but can control it. His fratello, Oliver Kirkland, has it as bad as I do. It made him kill his mother. There's one more that I know of. His name is Ivan Braginski. He's in Big brother Francis's group. He's in between Oliver and Arthur.

Now let's start when France found me in the clock room.

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