Chapter 1

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Reeva can't do a lot to surprise me anymore so when Esme said she was calling us all down to the meeting room to go over our next mission I expected it to be something like a bank robbery or maybe a reconnaissance mission, so i'll admit I was surprised when I was handed a file on a girl my age that was in the custody of sentinel services. Ivory is such a pretty name. I think as I read over the rest of her paperwork. "This says she's been in custody for six years is that true?" Phoebe asks, Hmm that's surprising the girls don't seem to be as in on this plan as they usually are, that's interesting.

 "This says she's been in custody for six years is that true?" Phoebe asks, Hmm that's surprising the girls don't seem to be as in on this plan as they usually are, that's interesting

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   "Yes Phoebe everything you all are reading is true from her power to her time in imprisonment which will end tomorrow when we break her out" Reeva stated. I was silent like the rest as Reeva explained the plan to extract Ivory out of sentinel services without bloodshed from our side at least. That's when lorna stood up stating an obvious issue in the no bloodshed part of the plan, "this Ivory kid deserves to be free no shit im not arguing with you on that Reeva but this kid has been tortured by these guards don't you think she's gonna take the chance to kill at least one if she can take it" she asked before sitting back down.

   "Yes that's a risk but a risk I'm willing to take as long as it's not bloodshed from our side, if that's all you should all rest up for tomorrow as a girl no older than Andy is counting on us being successful in this mission" she said as she turned away. That's right this girl is my age and yet she's probably been through more than I could ever imagine I thought as I stood up from my seat and headed to my room after passing around my goodnights to the triplets and lorna.

   Once I entered my room I sat on my bed and opened the file again "why does this girl seem so fucking familiar did I meet her when me and lauren got arrested that one time?" I whisper to myself as I try to figure out why I feel as if I've met the girl in the photo I'm staring so intently at.No I couldn't have met her then because me and lauren where the only ones in cages at the time so where,why,what...who is this girl I think as I stand up and look over the city that i'm proud to say fears me is that bad that i'm glad they fear me?

   I question myself but in the end, I give up and sit back down on my bed because at this point there's no point in me being awake, especially with the mission tomorrow I'm gonna need my energy and I must have been exhausted because the minute my head hit the pillow I was out like a light. So you know how there are those nights where it feels like you wake up every two minutes yah that was my night so when lorna came in to wake me up for the mission I wasn't especially well rested.

   After I had about ten cups of coffee and made one for the road we went over the plan one more time and headed downstairs before getting into the cars and starting the half hour drive to the facility Ivory was being held at, which was luckily not too far outside of atlanta. The drive was a peaceful one with everyone pretty much focused on making sure the plan went smoothly, and honestly it did go smoothly until we got to Ivorys cell everything was going as planned.

   When I pried off the door we saw a girl with long white hair chained to the floor with burn marks on her naked body and she must of been recently sprayed with the fire hose hanging on the wall because it was still dripping, the fear in her eyes as she covered her body and tried to move back from us made even Reeva let out a tiny gasp. I quickly snapped the chains and we slowly walked towards her.these people will rot in hell are the thoughts going through my head but first and foremost we had to get Ivory out of here

   "We are here to free you sweetheart, we will not hurt you. My name is Lorna, that's Esme,Reeva,Andy,Phoebe,and Sophie" Lorna said as she slowly placed a blanket around the shivering girl at our feet who just nodded willing to go with complete strangers to get out of this hell hole."can you walk" Sophie asked as she helped her up but not even a step forward and she was falling to the floor so without thinking I scooped her up bridal style and we headed out of the building with Ivors face lodged deeply into my neck.

   I ended up holding her on my lap the whole drive home as he would not let me go but honestly if it's because I make her feel safe and that's why she's so attached I'm more than willing to stay with her, and it wasn't long before she was asleep and we all started talking about what happened today. "Reeva did you know what they where doing to her in there" Esme asked

   "I had no idea, trust me, if I had we would have gone to retrieve her much sooner," Reeva replied, using the mirror to look back at a sleeping Ivory in my lap. The rest of the ride was silent and once we reached the tower penthouse we all headed towards the medbay where the doctor was on standby waiting for us. "My god this poor child" Dr. Sampson gasped as I went to set her down but when I tried to let go and pull away she let out a whimper and pulled me closer before talking for the first time since her rescue.

   "Please don't go, stay with me, I'll be good" she said, almost crying with large tears building in her eyes. I look back to the group behind us now, including Sage who looked sick at the sight of Ivorys injuries before getting an idea that would please both parties. I hopped up onto the table before pulling her between my legs and readjusting her towel to cover more of her still unclothed body and when I realize she must be uncomfortable I strip out of my shirt and quickly hand it to her which she gratefully puts on and crawls up close to my chest again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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