01-The Start

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"Again another flower ."the boy said as he takes out another flower and note out of his locker confused and shocked. "Damn whoever is sending those flowers really must want to be friends or must be a crazy stalker of some sort." Another boy said starting at the flower wondering who would be sending these. "I hope its not a stalker." as he gives the flower to his friend to remove his light brown hair out of his face to see the note clearly. He opens the not wondering what's inside of it. The note read.............

Dear Jisoo

I'm glad that your doctors appointment went well so I got you this flower as a 'thats great' gift. I hope the rest of your day is great for you. Also the flower is called Allium if you were curious.

From:Flower boy(I heard you and your friends calling me that)

                                                 (A picture of what they look like)

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                                                 (A picture of what they look like)

"Allium huh." the boy named Jisoo said with a curious tone in his voice."hey come on were going to be late for lunch." His friend said dragging him by the sleeve with flower his friend got in his other hand."Let's see if anyone else got a flower today."running down the hall still dragging his friend with a wide grin on his face."Ok ok slow down though Jeonghan ."

As they make their way to the cafeteria they see a guy just standing in the corner of the hallway  watching people walking around some people not giving two shits about him and some sending him mean and hateful glares right into his eyes. " thats just creepy isn't it."Jeonghan said looking at the guy wondering who was that guy anyways. "yea come on we don't wanna be late."Jisoo said running down the hall not wanting to miss lunch and tell his friends about the flower he received today. They both got to the cafeteria and went straight to their table and not to their surprise they were the last people to get there."What took you so song it feels like we've been waiting for hours." A boy says dramatically as he flips is non existing long hair as he puts is head back on the table pretending to die of boredom. Jeonghan chuckles at his dramatics and takes a seat right next to Jisoo.   

"Sorry we were late buuuuuuuttttt we found a flower in Jisoo locker." Jeonghan said excitedly as he lifted the purple flower in his hands showing it off like it was some treasure he just found. "That's great Jisoo,Wonwoo also got one today too." A really tall boy said turning his head to the guy supposedly named Wonwoo who was playing game on his phone along with another guy with his mullet blocking his view of his screen. Wonwoo and the other guy both look up from their phones with a confused look on their faces. "Did you guys called my name."Wonwoo asked as he lifted his glasses that were slipping from his face. "Yea show them the flower and note you got."The boy who sat across from him said while eating his tomato and cheese salad with some rice and seaweed soup. Wonwoo just nodded in agreement as he pulled a stem with a bunch of small white flower on it with a note with a small white ribbon tying it. He opens the note and reads it out loud so everyone at the table can read.

Dear Wonwoo

I hope the scar on your leg heals fast and make sure to change the bandages on it so it doesn't get infected and actually use the ointment the doctor prescribed you. Also the flower name is called yarrow.

From: The Flower Boy    

"Wait your not using the ointment on your leg hyung

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"Wait your not using the ointment on your leg hyung." Another boy said looking more concerned about the fact that his hyung was not doing what the doctor told him instead of the fact the same guy has been breaking into all of their lockers for the past year. "Don't worry Chan I'll make sure he takes it." The tall boy said glaring at Wonwoo also mad that he hasn't taken the ointment the doctor prescribed. "Yea yea Mingyu."Another foreign looking guy said staring at the flower is awe of its beauty"Go help your boyfriend."he said smirking."Shut up Jun."Mingyu shouted,his face turing a light shade of pink while Wonwoo just hid behind his phone trying to distract himself by counting to play his game(he ended up dying straight away from the  embarrassment). "well anyways what did your note said Jisoo." A boy said looking up from his bag admiring the tiger pin he got as a gift from a short boy who just happened to be sitting right next to him. "He just wrote about how he's glad that my doctors appointment went well." He replied calmly. "How come this guy knows how your appointment went before all of us." Someone replies with while taking a sip of his iced americano. "Actually I told Seokmin yesterday afterschool." Joshua says staring right at the boy infront of him who had a giant smile on his face. "Well I'm glad your appointment went well but I didn't give you the flowers sorry." Seokmin replied. "U sure." The iced americano boy said nudging Seokmin's arm teasingly . " I'm sure Seungkwan."Seokmin said with an evident blush on his face. "U sureeeeee." The boy with the mullet said with a smirk plastered on his face. "Minghao I'm posi-" just as he was about to finish his sentence a loud bell rung in the cafeteria signaling classes were going to start soon.

After all the boys said there goodbyes they all went straight to there classes.The day continued along until all of a sudden an announcement came over the speakers the loud screech blaring in everyone's ears until you could hear an old man clearing his throat cursing under his breath at the machine on his desk until it went silent. Everyone thought it was just by accident until the voice said........

Can the following students come to the Principal's office 

Choi Seungcheol

Yoon Jeonghan 

Hong Jisoo

Wen Junhui 

Kwon Soonyoung

Jeon Wonwoo 

Lee Jihoon

Xu Minghao 

Lee Seokmin

Kim Mingyu

Boo Seungkwan

Choi Hansol

Lee Chan 

Thank you

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