fight back

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a/n ~ Don't hate on Y/N please, she's learning! She can't see the story the way the reader does, so don't be too quick to judge. And I think she's pretty cool, personality and ability-wise! What are yalls thoughts on Y/N? (She's pretty oblivious sometimes, I agree, but aren't most love interests...)


There is nothing going on between Lo'ak and I, I soon convinced myself. Last night we were just... having a conversation. And that's all.

We didn't mention it in the morning. In fact, I barely talked to him. Though I felt the need to thank his brother again.

"Neteyam!" I called, catching up with him after a meal.

He turned around. "Oh, hey, Y/N." His eyes drifted to my neck, and he grinned. "I see you're wearing my gift, huh?"

"I am. It's beautiful. And again, thank you—"

"Ahh, it's no problem. I already told you, Kiri makes tons."

I smiled at the mention of his sister. At first, I thought Kiri was someone I wouldn't get along with, but I'd been wrong. We were practically best friends now.

"You forest people are settling in better than I imagined," I admitted. He crossed his arms and chuckled.

"I guess you reef people aren't that bad either. Well, except for Ao'nung."

"Except for Ao'nung." I agreed.

"Hey, Y/N!" someone interrupted. "Can I talk to you for a second?".

"Hi, sis." Neteyam greeted. I turned around to see Kiri. It was like if I spoke of her, she would appear.

"Sure." I answered, and we moved to a more isolated spot. "What's up?"

Kiri grabbed my hands excitedly. "Usually, I'm not interested in this type of stuff, but tell me everything! There were barely any girls my age back with the Omaticaya, so...?"

I frowned. "Yes? So what?"

"No, I'm asking you what's going on with Lo'ak and Neteyam!"

"What do you mean? Nothing's going on?"

"You're spending a whole lot of time with them."

"I'm teaching them!" I clarified. Did everyone else really think along those lines? They were our guests! I should've thought better of them when they first arrived, so now I was just making an effort to be friendly. It wasn't like we were more than friends or anything.

Remember what happened yesterday with Lo'ak? That annoying little voice in the back of my head pestered. I refused to listen to it.

"You don't like either of my brothers?" asked Kiri. Why are you disappointed? I wanted to ask. I shook my head a little too convincingly. "Of course not."

"Don't lie to yourself. It's obvious."

"No, it's not! Wait, I mean—"

"HAH! I knew you liked one of them! Which one is it?!"

"No! I meant it in a way that's like I don't like them that way! It's not obvious because I don't feel that way in the first place!"

Kiri scoffed and put her hand on my shoulder. "Y/N, you need to figure out who you are and who you want to be with. I don't want any of my brothers to get hurt, despite them sometimes being the idiots they are. Whenever I think you like one, you switch to the other. I'm so confused."

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