Prologue: Very Close Save

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(Before we begin, I'd like to thank cloversoftx in advance for letting me: 1, use their oc Tyke in this story, and 2, assisting me and helping me out wherever I may need it. I appreciate ya!!)


"No, wait, stop!! Please, you can't do this!!"

Jesse pleaded with his father as he dragged him to a tree a bit farther from the house they resided in, his shirt being gripped tightly by the older man so he couldn't escape. He lived in a small village called Walworth Village that sat in the middle of a cursed forest... Not like the cursed part was openly talked about.

The townsfolk had noticed that the creatures that inhabited the Forest were getting a bit... hectic. The village's population was already a bit small -about twenty-five people at this point- and disappearances were happening more than usual. They had assume they needed a sacrifice. So, they selected the most perfect target.

The only son of the Thornhart family- Jesse James Thornhart.

He was the obvious pick. He never contributed much to the community, never talked to anyone, and he wasn't strong enough to really do much work. Adding to that, his eyes were a deep red- sparking rumors that he was a demon himself.

"The sooner we get rid of him, the better," the townspeople would say.

His father didn't even spare him a glance as he roughly shoved him against the tree. "Quiet down. This'll be easier if you just stop struggling." He gruffly responded.

"Did-Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if I did- I'll do whatever you ask of me. Please, just don't kill me-!" Jesse begged, gasping as a rope was tied around his neck.

With little effort, his father picked him up and set him on the chair he had set up before hand. It was a flimsy thing, and he was planning on getting rid of it anyway. At least it'll have one last use. "There's no other option. This is just how it is, Jesse. Stop fussing about it." He stated, roughly kicking the chair out from under him, effectively breaking it. Without another word, he began retreating back to the house.

Without so much as an apology, or even a goodbye.

Jesse gripped the loop around his neck, trying to give himself oxygen. It hurt. It hurt really badly. His legs flailed as he scratched at the rope, his urgency only making his situation worsen. Tears welled up in his eyes, his vision getting blurry- though he wasn't sure if it was from lack of air, his desperation and panic, or the tears themselves.

He was just about to give in, let himself be taken by death. But that was when he heard it- a voice.

"What the- oh my goodness!!"

The next few seconds were a blur. He heard something swish through the air, a blade cutting the rope, and then he fell from the tree and landing on his bottom. Ouch. He gasped for air, coughing as tears dripped down his face.

He heard what sounded like heeled shoes run through the grass toward him before he felt someone's hand on his knee. "It's ok, just take some time to breathe. You're ok now." The voice, which now that he could focus he could tell it was female, spoke up again.

Heaving for air, he looked at her with wide eyes. She was taller than him, but a bit shorter than his father. She was also a bit muscular. She had red hair that went above her mid-back. Her outfit was... Definitely not something he saw everyday. It looked nice, yes, but it almost looked like a costume.

The top was a deep crimson red, with a gray accent just underneath her chest. Gold colored string crossed over the accent and the top of her shirt. Adding to that, was a window showing just a bit of skin... Not sure what that was for- maybe a stylistic choice?

Her skirt had an interesting design. The waistband was gold, and the main hem of the skirt was black. Over the front and back though was dense looking red fabric, matching her top. It almost reminded him of some form of armor. Topping the look off were black boots with golden decorative buckles and black fingerless gloves.

He heard from one of his parents that a Chastiser was called to the village. Could this be her? Despite the things he learned about them, like them meddling with important affairs and bring trouble and bad luck, this one didn't.

She saved his life.

"There... You seem to be doing a bit better..." The woman stated, noticing as Jesse seemed to be able to breathe better. She was also pretty observant, it seemed. "This is probably a dumb question, but... Are you ok?" She asked.

And at that moment, something in Jesse shattered.

Given how quick the situation occurred, he never had time to process it. But now that he was alive and (somewhat) safe, he could do just that. One minute he was reading his favorite book in his room. Then the next his father comes in, quickly explains he's being sacrificed, grabs his shirt and drags him outside before he can react, hangs him in a tree, and now he'd been rescued by a woman he'd never met before.

He panted a bit before curling up, letting the tears that had been building up roll down his cheeks with a scared wail. Thankfully the house was a bit further away, so his parents wouldn't hear him and kill him by hand. His hands gripped onto his shirt, adrenaline, despair, and fear coursing through his veins.

The young woman frowned, gently scooting closer and rubbing his back. "I know, you must be terrified... You'll be ok, you're safe now..." She empathized. 'I know this feeling all too well... The feeling of nearly having your life taken the first time is... traumatic.' She thought.

"Am I alright to give you a hug? You look like you need one." She asked.

Jesse nodded, faceplanting into her as she wrapped her arms around him. "You're ok now... It's going to be alright..." She soothed.

Once Jesse had calmed down, he looked up at her. "T-Thank-" He coughed, rubbing his neck where a nasty purple bruise now resided. Must've been from the rope. "Thank you..." He choked out, his voice a bit hoarse.

The woman smiled. "No trouble. I'm just glad I walked by when I did." She stated. "What's your name?" She asked.

"J... Jesse. Jesse Thornhart."

'Thornhart, hm? Didn't Mrs. Crystal mention something about a sacrifice about them soon? Was he about to be used as a sacrifice?! Poor guy...' The redhead thought, but kept her emotions inside.

She was good at that.

"Nice to meet you, Jesse. My name is Kitsune. I come from the city." She informed.

"L-Likewise..." Jesse stuttered. The city, huh? He'd always been interested in seeing such a place in person, but no such luck. Getting out of the Forest was damned near impossible- let alone go to another city. It isn't like he had anything that he could live off of. It'd be a miracle if he could-

"Do you have anywhere to go?"

...Wait, what?

Jesse paused, processing the question. Technically, no. His parents want him dead, and he knew he couldn't hide out in another house. "N... No. No, I don't..." He answered.

"I see... Well then, for the time being, would you like to live with me?"


Holy crap, miracles do exist!!

"YES!! Yes, please!" Jesse's eagerness and desperation bursted out in his answer as he lightly grabbed her wrists. He realized what he was doing, stepping back a bit. "A-Apologies..."

"Oh, it's alright! C'mon, my car isn't far from here." Kitsune held her hand, which Jesse took. He was still a bit in shock, and was definitely more than a little shaken up. But now, it felt as if a tiny bit of weight was being lifted off his shoulders.

He was finally leaving this accursed forest. Once and for all.

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