cold (Argbur main??)

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Argbur was sitting on the edge of his bed shaking slightly from the cold he was feeling. He stared at his hands when suddenly he felt much colder so he stood up and walked out of his room to try getting help. He went to Simpbur's room and knocked on the door hearing nothing from the inside nor did the door open. Argbur slowly opened the door incase Simp was in there to not scare him but to his disappointment he wasn't there.

Arg let out a shaky sigh as he closed the door, he usually would get help from Simp but he seemed to be somewhere else and now Arg is forced to go to someone else, he felt uncomfortable but he knew he had to get help from someone so he made his way to the living room.

He saw Pogbur in there, they were coughing aggressively but Arg couldn't care less.
Argbur walked up to Pogbur

"The fuck do you-" Pogbur tried saying but was cut off by Arg clearly not having time to listen to the whole sentence "Can you help me get warm."

"Ew no I'm not helping you with shit." Pog responded sounding genuinely bothered by this. They kept coughing but it was getting better

"I can help you! What do you need help with?" The high pitched ghost has just entered the living room "I'm very cold." Argbur responds to Ghostbur.

"Oh no! Don't worry I'll give you a hot drink and cuddles, how about you go sit down on the couch and wait" Ghostbur spoke to Arg grabbing his hand to lead Argbur to the couch but then Arg just froze
"Hm? Arg what's wrong?? OH NO NO WAIT IM SO SORRY I FORGOT THAT I'M A GHOST!! Poggie help me please!!"

Pogbur who was walking away turned around and looked at Ghostbur with an annoyed expression "First of all never call me that again. Second of all no."

"Pleaseee Pogbur! I can't touch him it makes him colder because I'm a ghost. Please just help me help him"

"If I'm going to help him i want something in return."

"Alright okay what do you want?"

"A pack of cigarettes"

"Oh, but you're not.. uhm I'll give you a pack after you've helped."

"Alright, thank you! Now what am I supposed to do?" Pogbur asked Ghostbur looking over to Argbur who's just standing there hugging himself

"Bring him over to the couch and try to warm him up while I'm going to make him hot chocolate" Ghostbur smiled as he told Pogbur what to do and walked away into the kitchen. Pog just nodded and led Arg to the couch. They made Arg sit down while they walked away to get a lot of blankets and when they got back they put the blankets next to Arg, then started wrapping him up in them.

"Feeling warmer?" Pogbur questioned, Argbur nodded "alright good. Thank you for being so quick to help"

There was awkward silence between the two. The only reason Pogbur stayed was because of the pack of cigarettes.

Arg stared down at the coffee table infront of the couch as Ghostbur came back with three cups of hot chocolate.

"Here you both go!" Ghostbur said as he put a cup down infront of each of them "you did a great job Pogbur, thank you"

"Mm, where are my cigarettes?" Pog asked being impatient.

"Don't worry I'll get it for- good day revie!!" Both Ghostbur and Argbur looked over to Revivedbur who just entered. Pog sat silent at the other side of the couch.

He removed the cigarette from his mouth beige speaking "Hello Ghostbur! What's happening?" Revivedbur asked
Argbur looked at the cup infront of him wanting to drink it but that meant he had to move a lot and perhaps become colder again.
"Arg was cold so me and poggie are trying to help him warm up!"
"He's cold you say?" Rev smirked and walked over to  Argbur "give me your hand"

Arg looked confused at him but did so, his hand directly getting hit by the extreme cold air plus some of the blankets slipping off of him but then his hand being gently  grabbed by the older, he almost thought Rev would be nice but no what he did was quickly move the cigarette to just above Args hand, as a joke pretended to burn him with it. Argbur flinched and Rev let go of his hand but started laughing at him.

"REVIVEDBUR YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" The ghost shot up like a bullet from the the stol it was sitting on

"It's funnyy, come-on Ghostbur" Rev said giggling as he started to walk away

"It's not, you could have hurt him." he followed after soon they both left the room. Pogbur exhaled heavily "I'm going." Then he did. Left as quick as the other two. Now it's just Argbur sitting in the living room alone

'I did not just help him with nothing in return or for that asshole to ruin it!' pogbur thought to themselves being irritated but soon started thinking about the other. 'Well I'm not going to do anything, I'll just tell him to do it instead' Pogbur walked to his and L'manburs room surprised to see L'man laying in their bed yet working "ehem." Ellie hummed as a response to the other and had yet not looked away from his work "could you go take care of Argbur? He's freezing cold and his stupid pad heater of a boyfriend is away. Args in the living room" Pogbur said as he got over to the bed and dropped himself on it
"That's unusual, but what's the magic word?"
"Please." Pogbur muttered
"Good" l'manbur scooted over to Pogbur and gave him a little kiss on the forehead and then got out of the bed, grabbed a book and walked into the living room

when he's there he sees Arg trying to fix the blankets and everything but he gives up and decides to drink the now a bit cold hot chocolate he got from ghostbur. Ellie sighs but sits down next to Arg. He opened the book and found the page he was on and started reading while waiting for Arg to drink the drink
Arg had just sat for a second before speaking "I'm cold"
"Mhm I know I'll fix the blankets for you and then you can lay your head down on my lap and try to fall asleep, does that sound good?" Ellie asked and Arg nodded as response.
So they did as L'manbur said and Argbur fell asleep quickly.  After a while of the slumber and reading Simpbur finally came back. He walked into the living room, he seemed tired himself, from what I don't know but he's tired Ellie looks up from the book "he's cold" "I'm cold'' argbur quickly repeats "yeah I heard the first time just shut up you're annoying" simpbur walks over to the couch on the other side of Arg "im so sorry! Is it okay if I try to help you love?" Ellie has by now already started reading again and Argbur just hummed yet telling Simp that it's okay and Simpbur proceeded to halfly lay ontop of Arg to cuddle him, thw two fell asleep, time passes and lman is soon done with the book. Rev did come back at some point to apologize to Arg but ell just told him to leave because the others were sleeping, ngl l'manbur also wanted to sleep but he was thankful for thi s calm day where he got a break from signing papers and doing stressful and boring president work

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