41.Family matters

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Even his men followed us here they attacked us as well I was injured so my omma while she tried to protect me...at that crucial time appa was the one who helped us...maybe God send him just for saving us...so he took us in his care...
Aunt Xiren helped my omma...she became my omma's mental support...she cared for jie...actually she is just 3 years elder than jie...she is best friend with jie....

Aunt Xiren??

Oh yeah! I forget to tell you about Aunt Xiren...she is appa's sister and for us she is like second mother...even my father's men searched for us in that city...so we came here with appa and aunt Xiren...

And how you met them...

As you know appa works as stunt man...so that day Appa was working in that city at that time and coincidentally when I was hurt he saw me and helped me..at that time I was shared and frightened but he cared for me and showedme that kindness still exists in this world...he was like my painkiller...his support actually made me strong and sensible...so I can diffranciate between right and wrong...there was a time when I felt like killing myself and sometimes running away from everyone but his love and care was enough for thay child bo that he became a good person that's why I gave him place as father in my heart.....

Zhan was just silent...because he was unable to find right words to speak at this time so he just side hugged Yibo...he was somehow feeling the pain Yibo went through but he denied his thoughts...
After a long silence Yibo asked...

Zhan ge Why you asked me to leave everything behind to come with you...

Because I want to go far away from this crowd...there's no reality...it's just everyone is running without destination....no love no kindness just greedy people....

I don't think like that...but its okay I'll come with you but after setting my family matters...

Yeah yeah...I understood...you want to see Yanli's success and your mom and dad's happiness...


Dd...why not you are arranging your parents wedding...I mean...you know what I mean...

I know but...I don't think it's a good idea...well it's absolutely my family's matter but this is something I can't decide...it's on omma and appa...actually aunt Xiren also want this but omma is not ready because she was hurt mentally and emotionally...
It's been 10 years appa is with us...he loved me and jie but for omma we can't just guess his feelings....

Ok...don't worry...I'll help you with your family matters...

Ok...thank you ge...And I'll take you to meet aunt Xiren once she came back from her work trip...

Yibo muttered in warm hug...he was happy...because after a long time he shared his pain with someone...someone who was now close to him and one step closer to his heart...happily he went in deep sleep 😴
Zhan who was engrossed in his thoughts looked at sleeping angel so he tugged him in bed...and went out in garden...

His mind and thoughts were not clear for the first time...for the first time in his life he was not sure what to do...
Am I doing right...but why this feels so wrong like I was killing someone...just why my heart is warning me again and again...

Days went like that and one day Yibo visited to his parents with Zhan...
Seeing Yibo happy and cheerful his mom was also happy...she welcomed them...

Mr Wang was still not very pleased with Zhan but he decided to not make things bad because he want just one thing Yibo's happiness...so as long as Yibo was happy everything was good for him...

When Yibo was chatting with his omma...Mr Wang went outside in park where Zhan followed him...

Why are you here?? Don't think that just because bobo is happy with you I'll forgive you for what you did...

Father in law...I am not here to ask forgiveness...I'm here to ask about your relationship with dd's omma...

What you want to talk...you have no right to meddle in our family matters...so be in your limits...

But father in law...

Enough...I told you stop...and

I also want to talk about this matter...
A voice startled both of them and they looked at the person who said that...


Thanks for reading 😊

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