The Nightmare of Memories

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"Huh?  Where is this place?"  You asked yourself.  You were in a black room and heard foot steps.

"(Y/N)."  A voice called out, he repeated it and repeated it.  You knew that voice, your breath hitched in your throat.  You started to run, but you couldn't move.  You felt cold hands on your shoulder.  "(Y/N), I've missed you."  A voice said.

"Get away from me."  You growled.

"What?  You don't want to catch up with your father?"  The man asked.

"You are NOT my father, after what you did to our family."

"So I made one mistake, what's the big-"

"MISTAKE?!?!?!  MISTAKE?!?!?!  You killed my mother!!!!"

"I loved your mother, after all we promised each other."

"You never promised, you tricked her."  Tears started running down your face.

"You know I loved your mother."

"Then why did you do it, if you loved her so much..."  You started.  "If you loved her...why would you make a contract with a woman who was half angle?!"

"I'm a demon!!!  I was hungry!!!"

"So you killed my mother...m-my m-mother...just because you were hungry?!"

"Yes, and I still am."  He said, his eyes glowing red.  He walked towards you as you started running, but he was faster.  You were panting and running as fast as you could but it felt like you were trapped, and finally he caught you, he started to bring you closer to him, then he leaned down to your ear and whispered,

"Your next."

You screamed as everything went black.


You woke up screaming and crying, you panted and tried to scream but nothing would come out.  Tears poured down your face, Mei, Ciel, and Sebastian ran in.  Mei's heart broke as she knew what was going on.  She ran over to you and rubbed your back and hugged you.  Ciel and Sebastian were confused.  Mei looked at them, however you couldn't exactly see what look she was giving them.  Ciel walked over and kissed your forehead.  He hugged you as you tried to weakly hug him back.  You were trembling, you mind was full, you heart was heavy, you felt like everything had gone wrong again, everything was turning into the past.  You looked at Ciel and it all melted away, his blue eyes, a gentle smile, his arms around you.  Mei smiled at you, Sebastian face hid a small smile from the doorway, the servants were downstairs, clashing around.  Everything was was just a dream...right?  Yeah, it was definitely just a dream.

"Are you okay, My Love?"  Ciel asked.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm fine." You stuttered.  "J-just a d-d-dream."

"That was no ordinary dream (Y/F/N)."  Mei said.

"Mei..."  You trailed off.

"Huh?"  Ciel asked.

"Ciel do you mind if I talk to (Y/N)...alone."  Mei said.

"Of course." Ciel said as he left the room.  The door shut as Mei looked you dead in the eyes.

"Your father?"  Mei asked.

"Yeah."  You responded.

"Memories about your past?"


"Him being demon and making a contract with a half angle?"


"Threatening you?"


"Trying to take your soul?"


"(Y/N), what if this means..."

"No, Mei, It doesn't."

"But...what if-"

"No 'What if's', we have to keep our eye on the goal.  I have to get married soon, I'm going to see my brothers today, you and I are running errands for Ciel, it was just a nightmare, that's it, nothing more."  You said, ending the conversation.

"Okay, I trust you."  Mei said. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Welcome home (Y/N)!!!"  Your 4 brothers screamed as you walked into your old home.  You smiled.  They all smiled at you and hugged you, smiling just to see your face again. 

"Alright, I wish I could just come today to hang out but..."  You broke off.  "Jonathan, I need to talk to you."

"okay, c'mon."  Jonathan said.  He lead you out to the garden.

"So, we need to talk."

"Yeah, what's been bugging you?"

"Well..."  You started.  You told him about the dream and how father had tried to get you, the memories of mother and the past.  You still remembered everything that had happened that night, how father had took mothers soul in the most gruesome way, how you cried, how your brothers tried to help, all of it.  You wanted to cry all over again.  You could hear Mei playing with your 2 little brothers in the house.  You smiled softly.

"Are you okay?"  Jonathan asked.

"Yeah...I guess."

"You sure?"

"Yeah...after all it was just a dream."  You said.

Just a dream...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You sighed as you walked into the Phantomhive Manor, Mei was gone, the servants were cleaning and you had nothing better to do but bug Ciel, so you walked to his study.

"Hey Ciel?  Can I come in?"  You asked as you knocked on the door.

"Of Course."  He said. You walked in and ran over to him.  You went behind him and hugged him, watching him do paperwork.  You had so much on your mind.  "How about a game of Chess?"  He asked.  He fetched the chess board and sat it down and began to set up the pieces.  You two played chess, talking about the wedding, telling Ciel that this morning was just a bad morning, and just chatting.  Sharing a laugh now and then, it was fun.  "Checkmate." 

"Ciel, you always win."  You laughed.

"Because I'm so good at it."

"Wow, aren't you humble."  You said, he laughed.  He hugged you from behind and sat his head in the crook of your neck.  He kissed you lightly on the neck.

"Are you sure your alright?" 

"Yes, Ciel, I'm fine.  Don't worry about me.  It's probably just stress."

"Alright, well, why don't you go rest?"

"Okay."  You said, you started walking out of the room.

"Oh, and (Y/N)."  He called out.


"I love you."  Ciel smirked.  You blushed.

"Love you too."  You mumbled.  All you heard was Ciel chuckle.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Dream~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When you fell asleep the dream continued where it left off, your dad whispered in your ear, then you kicked him and started running.  The Black room turned to white as you faced your mother.  Your father was chasing you.  You were crying and tried to run to your mother, when you finally leaped into her arms, your father disappeared.  You looked up at your mother, only for her eyes to turn white and she fell to the ground.  You tried to shake her awake but when you looked at her, your father's red eyes appeared and your dead mother turned into your alive father.  He grabbed your wrist and whispered,

"You'll never escape the past."

A Broken Promise (Ciel x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now