𝒗𝒊. new bonds being made

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six. new bonds being made

            JAKE WAS READY TO BECOME TARONYU. With all the training he had been performing with Neytiri's help, after getting his first clean kill, Jake was ready to become a hunter and bond with ikran. It surprised Juniper when Neytiri informed her, and the teenager couldn't help the feeling of being proud rise in her chest.

      From the moment Juniper and Jake had their conversation, they became friends. Something that Juniper was sure wouldn't happen between the two. Hell, it didn't feel like a friendship but more of an essential figure in Juniper's life. Getting to know the Sully man, the Vespera girl was quick to conclude he wasn't half as bad as she conjured him to be—most importantly, he wasn't at all like his brother: Tom Sully.

      It gave Juniper a sense of relief. Relief that Jake wasn't a threat to the teenager or the Omaticaya people. A sense of relief that there were still good sky people like her father from her past life. And that would be something that Juniper held to her heart dearly.

      Juniper was out hunting as a form of teaching that the Na'vi used. Sending the children of the clan out, gathering food for the people. The Vespera girl, although how much she hated to do her training, was glad to be assigned to the task of hunting. It made her feel of use to the Omaticaya people after bringing her, giving her sanctuary. Ukturu.

      The young Na'vi held her bow firmly in her grasp as she heard the sound of rustling from behind her. She was quick to spin around, grabbing an arrow from the quiver strapped behind her back. Juniper readied her stance and placed the said arrow against her bow in preparation to shoot. Right before she let go of the arrow, she groaned at the sight of someone appearing from the bushes, "seriously, Jake, I could've shot you!" She exclaimed.

      Jake held his arms in front of him, his four-fingered hands out in display, "Woah, same side remember? Or are you back to not trusting me?" He teased, yet the stern expression remained on Juniper's face. He raised his brows, lowering his hands back to his side, and scoffed, "right, not someone to joke around with."

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