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Lights are flickering in the streets of my home town 365 days has passed but nothing have really changed .
Well expect for the fact few ,I mean people don't expect you to be same all the time .

"Hey chick watch where you are going " I looked at the guy as he grab my chin too bad I have to break my resolution because of him I thougth as I twist his hand kicking on his gut .

"Wow that's a new way to start year " I heard a voice , I turn around and sure enough it was Tyler.

"What about you daredevil" I said as I marched toward him .

"Look who's talking like did you see that move , nobody would have guessed Anne had it in her " he said as he looked at the guy who was now crying in pain.

"I won't have either if you would told me that year ago , back than I was goody shoes "I said as I walked toward the exit of alley way , holiday is screaming everywhere except for my heart .

1 year ago

I hurriedly pack my bags as I exited the front door of my house I have to get 20 minutes early to the class so that I can revise the text again before big test , mom dad gonna be happy if I achieved perfect marks.
I ran through the classes , walking through quite hallways , I almost got heart attack when to my surprise I found a guy sleeping on the desk seat , I guess I was too used to being the first one to entered in the class .
I quietly sit on the desk and start revising what I had learnt last night.

"Hey if you don't mind ,can you explain it to me I don't wanna fail " I heard a voice, I turn around and sure enough it was that sleepy head.

"Yea sure " I said I mean I have time so why not help other . I take my handouts and start explaining it to him , once I done explaining, I gave him some questions to solve.

"Well at first I thougth you gonna asked me why I didn't study but it turn out miss perfect have a heart after all " he said as he looked at me smiling ear to ear .

"Your welcome, unlike you I understand that everyone has reasons , I sure you have one to " I said as I looked at the clock , I still have 5 minutes.

" thanks , my name is Tyler and yours ?" He asked.

"My friends call me An but you should call me Anne " I said as I saw my bestie running toward the classroom ready to cry .

"An I didn't feel my brain has anything in here , I am gonna fail the test " she said as she sit near me.

"You looked like a racoon "she teases me .

"Yeah gotta study for good grades you know my parents "I told her.

"Want some coffee ☕ ?"she asked

"No thnx you know that I have love and hate relationship with that drink " I replied as I opened my text ready to explain it second time to another person hopefully both of them passed.

I looked at my grades as I walk away from the school, mom dad not gonna be happy about this I thought.

"Anne I passed " I heard Tyler saying.

" good for you " I said to him .

"How much did you get ?" Tyler asked.

"Ohh its just 85 , well I was aiming for 100 " I told him as I walked toward the exit .

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