The Day The Lilies Died.

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My mother was ill during her pregnancy. Though my father and mother tried to conceal this from me as much as possible, I knew she was ill. Yet she still kept being her strong, wonderful self. I was in my 17th year and I was awaiting the day for my mother to give birth to my brother or sister.. My mother and I were awfully close. In fact, I even considered her my best friend. I know that sounds unusual, but she truly was the nicest person I had ever known. She is always taking really good care of me, and my father. I lived in a very friendly town at the time, and I had attended a public high school at the time.

 My best friend in school was Jake Lantencot. He and I would have so much fun at gym, and make the funniest jokes at lunch. I had never met such a great friend before! If Jake and I weren't messing around in school, we were hanging out in this big field just outside of town that had trees and a small creek running by. We would climb into the trees, and talk for hours or play some sort of game. We called the tree, Hideout Paradise. It was the best. 

"Jake! help me up! I want to sit up there with you!" I shouted. 

"A-Alright! Here, take my hand." Jake said to me, as he reached his hand down to grab me.

We both grunted as he pulled me up the tree.  But, I finally made it up and sat down next to him on the branch. 

"Hiya!" I said.

"H-hi." Jake said while smiling. 

"Wow! this view from this tree will never get old! I think we picked out the right spot for our hide out." I said with a big grin, looking proud.

"Y-yeah.." Jake said while smiling with only half of his mouth. 

I looked over at him and saw his cheeks slightly red. 

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked.

"Oh.. Y-eah! I was just.. thinking about something." Jake said.

"Oh. Alright! Well, if you ever need to talk about anything just let me know." I said, assuring him.

I could of sworn I saw his cheeks light up even more, but I didn't question it.

"So how is your mom doing? I hear she is close to having that baby any day now." Jake asked.

"Oh yes! she is! I am so excited. It will be very different... I have been an only child for so long." I said.

"Yeah. I'm sure. Hey, don't forget about me after you got your hands tied up." He said while he brushed his arm against mine, in a joking manor. 

"I wont!! You can come visit all the time!" I said. 

He didn't say anything and just smiled. 

"Well, I better get going and see if my mom needs any help with the garden. See ya!" I said while jumping down from the tree.

I started running back to my house and I turned around to look at Jake and wave him goodbye. He was just looking at me, with a grin on his face, and waved back slowly.

Mother and I had a lovely garden right outside of our lovely home. We lived inside of a wonderful white house, surrounded by a white picket fence. There was a small pathway leading up to the front door, in which was red, bright and welcoming. We had flower beds right outside the house that were filled with lilies that smelled like heaven itself. Mother and I would be outside for hours at a time tending to the lilies, and every now and then, Jake would stop by to help. My mother was beautiful. I had never seen anyone quite like her before. She had raven black hair, pale, but fair skin, rose red cheeks, and a beautiful smile. She always had the most wonderful dresses, and my favorite thing about her was how she always wore a wonderful garden hat, with a big bow tied around it, every time we tended the garden. These flowers were so important to me, so mother and I would be sure to water them daily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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