Fangirl ch.1

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My name is Jess, I'm 14 and I'm considered as your average fan girl. I am a Bromieomie, if you don't know what that is its a fan or supporter of the Dolan Twins, Grayson and Ethan Dolan. I love both of the twins, but I feel that I have a special connection with Grayson. I believe it's because we have so much in common or how I can always imagine myself doing activities such as long boarding or making YouTube videos with him for #dolantwintuesday. I live in New York City and Grayson lives in Long Valley, New Jersey (52 min from each other) but I believe that I will NEVER be able to meet him😔

If I ever do meet him I would want to stand out and make him remember me and maybe we can end up being friends or even more if you know what I mean😉 But there's one problem...Chloe, Grayson's girlfriend. I hate her. Not just because she is dating Gray, but because she only wants him for the fame! Like she doesn't care about him or his personality, I mean Gray is hot and everything but I see beyond that.

Well peace✌🏼️ I have to go to bed, there's school tomorrow😫 now on to dreaming about Grayson and I finally being together.
A/N: hey! I hope you like the first chapter, sorry it was so short😁if you haven't noticed this is type of a diary or what Jess is thinking about and experiencing kind of fanfic.

I know that Grayson's ex is also named Chloe but I couldn't think of another name, so please don't hate on me because I used her name and said some cruel words. The character named Chloe is NOT based on the real Chloe, so I hope none of you feel offended☺️

Ps. I kind of imagine the girl in the top pic as Jess👩

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