Act 1, Scene 1

16 1 1

[Sussus] gee, it sure is boring around here.

[Amongus] we are in a secret facility containing amphibious monsters that mimic human voices, dangerous zombie viruses, and Lovecraftian nightmares strong enough to make both of us go insane with nothing but a glance. How is this boring?

[Sussus] we've seen it all, that's why. There haven't been any new arrivals in weeks. How is this organization slower than the US Congress?

[Amongus] you've got a point. But, we've got to focus on our test here.

[Sussus] right, we've been assigned to oversee a cleanup in the sculpture's chamber.

[Amongus] oh, I hate these days. It's not a living thing, just a statue. We are babysitting a pet rock. The higher-ups won't tell us how it produces waste, or even eats. I think it just does so anyway.

[Sussus] also, i've been informed that the door to its room has been acting strangely recently. We'll have to be careful, or that thing might snap, crackle, and pop our bones. You saw what happened to blue!

(BLUE's skeleton is lying in the corner, holding a sign saying "MAN, I"M DEAD, SKULL EMOJI")

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