Act 1, Scene 2

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[narrator] SUSSUS is standing on a platform, looking over a large steel door of the test chamber. AMONGUS, along with 3 Janitors stand before the open chamber.

[Sussus, over loudspeaker] Today's assignment is cleanup duty. Be sure that at least two of you are viewing the sculpture at all times.

(the 4 cleaners enter the chamber)

[Amongus] wow, this place always stinks. Get to work.

(the cleaners begin working.)

[Sculpture] (inside mind) Ah. the creatures have returned to gaze upon my glory.

[Narrator]suddenly, the large steel door slams shut. The loud noise causes the janitor staff to look away. Amongus Blinks. Within the creature's mind, time stands still.

[Sculpture] (in mind) an Insult. Death. Punish. Reference to J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. They no longer gaze upon me.

[Sussus] Uh Oh!

(3 SNAP! Sounds come from the chamber.)

[Amongus] OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(SUSSUS throws a nearby brick at the door controls. The door opens. The creature is satisfied with the new viewers. AMONGUS escapes the chamber, and joins SUSSUS.)

(Several guards, unfamiliar with the creature, blink upon the door opening. Snap, Snap, Snap)

[Sussus] Amongus! You're safe! We must alert the Higher ups while we are safe in this room.


(SUSSUS presses the big red button. Alarms blare. SUSSUS and AMONGUS hold eachother as the sculpture begins punching the door at the speed of light.)

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