wierd feelings

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*from Monica's pov*

"Chandler?" I yawned, hearing the click sounds in my elbows as I stretched. 

"Chandler?" a shocked voice responded, "Why the hell would I be Chandler?"  

I blinked and opened my eyes to get a glimpse at the person speaking.

"Ross?!" I exclaimed pulling up my blanket over my body - I was only in my underwear and bra, "Why are you in here?"He glimpsed at his watch, "Mon, we're meant to be seeing mum and dad in and hour. I came in to see why you weren't awake. Kinda weird you thought I was Chandler..." I smiled inside at the thought of him. Chandler. He was only in the apartment across the corridor and I'd only last seen him last night but it felt as if he had moved to Europe or something. Groaning, I ushered my brother to get out of my room and started to get ready. I checked the time on the alarm clock - 10:54! I'd slept in! I guess it was because of last night. Chandler had been there. Sometimes when we can't be alone together because of the gang and them not knowing about us and all, we sneak into each other's apartment and have a romantic dinner. Well, 'romantic' is going a bit over the top. Most days we just order take out and stuff our faces with indian or chinese or, Chandler's favourite: pizza. The thought that I would see him later at the coffee shop was enough to get me out of bed and pull on some clothes. I pulled on a loose black v-neck and sky blue jeans. My hair was starting to get quite long again so I combed it back. "Ready!" I called out as I hurried out of my room. I looked up to find Ross sipping some water whilst chatting to Rachel. Her face was gleaming and she looked so happy. I don't know if she's had a proper conversation with him since the whole wedding conundrum but I felt happy for her ... even though it was weird my best friend was falling for my brother. But I guess that was the situation for Ross as well? I said goodbye to Rachel and we closed the door behind us. Ross turned round, facing the door, and tied his shoe lace. I started to walk slowly and then saw him. Chandler's tight white t-shirt and loose jeans just made me go all funny inside. I giggled at him. He had just come back from getting groceries, thus the bags in his hands,"Hey babe," he said, unlocking his apartment door. Oh shit. It only took one look at my brother in his suit for Chandler to go a bright red. Ross got up, confusion was plastered across his face. "Why did you say that?" I remarked quickly and folded my arms. Chandler chuckled, "Oh Mon, it's you." I could see his head trying to come up with an Idea, and fast, "I thought you were that girl I scored with the other day. She actually looked kinda like you, dark hair and all." he smugged. "C'mon Mon, let's go," Ross rushed and said bye to Chandler, who still had a proud look on his face.

"What was that all about?" Ross asked as we entered a taxi.

I smiled, "I don't know."

 "Oh my god."
"What?" oh no.

 "Holy shit, you like Chandler!" my brother shouted. The taxi driver glared at us. , "No I do not!" My mouth was saying one thing whilst my mind was screaming, YES YOU DO, YOU LOVE HIM, YOU LOVE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH. "You like Chandler!" my brother teased as if he was Ben's age. Honestly, sometimes I think he is. No, I don't like Chandler. I love him. And I hate hiding it. I wish they could know. But they can't because it would... what would letting the secret out actually do? Maybe we could just tell everyone. Maybe...

Note: please comment if you want more parts :))

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