Jimmothy the Catipillar

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One glorious day a catipillar named Jimmithy was born. One day after that amazing time that had when he was born 2 kids named Hosé and Pèpè where at a abandoned house and there they watched Jimmothy being born. They watched and loved it so they went into the world and showed everybody. Jimmothy loved his fame and being on the news so he went and performed in concerts and joined a rock band where he was the lead singer. One day while he was playing his suessaphone he felt tingly on the inside and turned into a crow. He felt so dark and black that he ran into a tree and died. Hosè and Pépé then killed themselves a day later all because they where out of pasta. The End

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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