Age: 2 years
Sex: Female
Weight: 33 pounds
Breed: German shepherd pitbull mixPERSONALITY
Mika is very playful and very friendly toward other pets and children
Mika is very healthy except she's blind in one eye, her left one, but you shouldn't worry about that. While brushing her fur use a soft comb to not hurt her and make sure you clip her front and back claw nails one every 2 months.
Her old owner’s name was Samuel and Jacky miller..both farmers who gave mika away because they sadly couldn't pay for her food anymore and she was continuously trying to eat the farm animals.
4804294519Rso..for rp echo its chrismas eve..since the kids already met echo y/n diecided to get a pet for her..so i want you to vote on a chapter of the animal you liken the most or you can choose multipule! :)