-forty seven-

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"I like being able to date openly." Jungwon said as he leaned into the chair. Jihye sat across from him, happily eating her waffle and ice cream.

"I thought you said you never wanted to date openly because you're scared of your girlfriend getting attacked?"

"When did I say that?"

"When we just started dating."

"Oh, I did? Hm, I guess I've changed my mind. It's hard to keep a relationship a secret." Jungwon pouted.

"Well, you are an idol and you also love to post on social media. Like seriously, I thought Sunoo would have the most posts, but you post a lot more than he does."

"He still has more selcas in his camera roll."

"You sure? I can just take your phone right now and I'd see a bunch of selfies." Jihye teased.

"Haha, I can say the same for you, Ms obsessed-with-me."

"What do you mean? I barely save pictures now."

"Oh yeah?" Jungwon smirked and raised an eyebrow, causing Jihye to blush.


"Ohh, okay then, prove it."

"Uh, not now, maybe- Hey! Give my phone back!" Jihye huffed as Jungwon swiftly snatched her phone from the table.

"Pfft what lies. I just see pictures of me and food. You don't even have a single selfie." Jungwon scrolled through her camera roll quickly.

"I don't like taking selfies. Also- hey, what are you doing?"

"Contributing to your 'Jungwon selfies' collection." He replied before posing for the camera and taking several more pictures.

"Give me back my phone."

"Why is your phone screen so cracked? Did you not buy a screen protector? Also this is like Samsung S9. You should get a more recent phone."

"Yah, I'm not that rich okay? Also, it works fine. It just has a cracked screen. Give it back." Jihye huffed. Jungwon chuckled before taking one last picture of himself making a funny face, before handing the phone back to her.

"Aren't you going to eat some waffle?" Jihye asked, pushing the plate towards him. Jungwon stopped her actions.

"No. You eat. I'm not that hungry, and we're going for dinner later."

"But it's nice. The waffle here is very good."

"Okay then, I'll have one bite."

"Have more. Is there an extra fork?" Jihye asked, looking in the basket.

"Why do I need an extra fork when you can just feed me?" This made her stare at him, cheeks flushed.


"Feed me." Jungwon smirked, leaning forward and propping his head on his arm. He stared straight into Jihye's eyes, making her heart rate speed up. She instinctively looked away and continued cutting up the waffle.

"Aren't you going to feed me?" He reached out his hand to brush a few strands of her hair. Her actions froze, feeling her whole body heating up.


"Aw." Jungwon pouted.

"Okay, okay. Here." Jihye reached the fork with waffle out towards his mouth, and he gladly accepted the offering, grinning happily.

"Does this mean we've kissed indirectly now?"

"I-I guess so, if you want it to mean that..."

'Why, what why is he so flirty today? What happened?! Since when was Yang Jungwon like this?!?! Who made him like this?!?!'

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now