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One evening a fine boy was walking down the street, odd stares sent his way a girl named Aphrodite walked up to him and asked for his name it was Voltaire she thought it was quiet a wonderful name for such a handsome man Aphrodite and Voltaire went on a date later that evening and started talking more often hey Aphrodite I have a question says voltaire yes dear? Says Aphrodite well it's not necessarily a question it's kinda a confession you just must know says voltaire well tell me then voltaire says Aphrodite I'm a vampire we've been together a year I thought it was about time I quit hiding and if it's not ok with you I'll pull out my teeth with pliers if your still not please Aphrodite I will await my death says Voltaire oh well dear I don't care that your a vampire I just love you dearly says Aphrodite how pleasing to hear that says voltaire ~voltaire goes in to "kiss" her neck but accidentally bites it~ oh gosh are kisses really that deadly Says Aphrodite~her eyes turn a red-ish orange as she's speaking~ darling your eyes says Voltaire what's with them dear says Aphrodite their dashing says Voltaire ~Voltaire grabs Aphrodites hand as he walks to his castle next to a cemetery~ here's my house surprising you've never seen it all these years says Voltaire Aphrodite...your the most prettiest person alive in my opinion you are so dashing, gorgeous, kind, caring, beautiful, brilliant, bright, person I've ever met and I'd never ever think I'd even get a single chance with you but I got really lucky, lucky enough to see those pretty eyes of yours every morning says Voltaire oh Voltaire this is why I love you so so so much says Aphrodite ~Voltaire kisses her~ ~Aphrodite and Voltaire walk through the cemetery telling each other how much they love each other~ Aphrodite I bought you a book says Voltaire ~Voltaire and Aphrodite sit down~ (fast forward bc why not sorry babes who wanted to read more) yes I do says Voltaire do you take Voltaire to be your lovely loving husband asks the priest YES i do says Aphrodite ~Aphrodite and Voltaire kiss~ I never thought I'd get to marry such a pretty woman like you darling says Voltaire I never thought I'd marry such a handsome man like you says Aphrodite (ending: they live happily in the castle they have 1 kid named Lazarus it's a girl)..................————————————————————————the end babes hoped you like it  love y'all very much and hope you guys are doing good don't worry I'll be making longer ones with more chapters trust me! <333

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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