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Mrs Kim and Jimin chatting while tae was sleeping his bedroom
Jackson was also come he meet with tae . He is here for specific reason . Mrs Kim went to kitchen for preparing his bear favorite food ...
When Jackson see Mrs Kim went to kitchen he sit beside Jimin ...

" So what would decide ??" He asked and observed Jimin action ...Jimin face become serous

"I'm going to talk to eomma about me and Tae. Well, she already knows about my feelings. I'm going to marry Tae soon," Jackson looked at her in surprise. Jimin was very serious.

He think how Jimin forget about his marriage
"Don't you know he is already married. Why would he marry you after all?"

Jimin was very angry.
"First of all, I don't believe in this marriage and the second thing is why he will marry me because he loves me."

" did he say to you? " jimin didn't answer jackson question " he  love you as a friend and jk is his husband it's better truth you have to accepted this don't fool yourself  anymore .."

" i don't fool myself ... He love me after the marriage it's not big deal ..we spend our most of life together so he love me I know  " he said casualy like nothing happened....

" Are you crazy Chim jk love tae crazily don't do this to him he can't live without him " Jimin feed up of Jackson nonsense talk

" What love you are talking if he truely love  then in these days tae also Fall in love with him but you see ,he hate him which means tae is mine can't you see the happiness in his eyes whenever he is with me ,"

" Jimin are you kidding me " he mockingly said

" Huh??"

" Yes Jimin ,how he fall in love with him when you all make his mind full of hateness towards his bunny hyungie .... That person(jk) day start with tae and ended with his name ,he brutally kill that persons just because they ....."

" Enough hyung " he shout to interrupt but Jackson not stop he say further

" Why because now the Truth is coming, you know very what will he do that day  just because of tae but still you choose lie still have a time go and tell the true to tae it's better for all of you "

" Just shut up hyung there is only one true and that is he is a monster a creepy killer muderer monster" he emphasize each words Jackson shakes his head in sadness " you will regret Jimin truth never be hide long time " he definitely sad because of Jimin selfishness...

Mrs Kim come out in kitchen and they all sit on sofa...

" Eomma...I want to talk to you something" Jimin said full of couragement before he said the door bell rang ..." I will check you both sit " Jackson went and open the door ...

Jackson opened the door and saw the person standing in front of him crying.
Jayke was staring at him with bloodshot eyes. Jackson was horrified to see his condition.

He punched Jackson, causing him to fall inside. Jake stormed inwardly.

"Moon of heart" he shouted as he pounced on the launch. Mrs. Kim would be surprised to see him.
Jimin ran towards him in disgust but JK punched him hard. Jimin also hit one. Both of them were beating each other badly

But Jimin's condition would have been very bad, he would have had a lot of sores on his face and body too.
JK was crawling on his stomach like a monster.
Mrs. Kim was driving like crazy.

On the other hand, Taehyung was sleeping comfortably in his room.
He was very tired from the events of the previous days. He wanted peace of mind. .
He was sleeping when he heard someone shouting
He recognized  this voice very well. His whole body trembled with fear...

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